日常生活类 知识点


日常生活类 知识点题库


    I grew up in a small town and the main entertainment was football on Friday night. It was just a sleepy little town where parents wanted to raise their children away from crime and 1 of a big city, and where teenagers like me 2 leaving to find something bigger and better.

    All that changed one summer night. My friend Lisa, Martin and Tyler held a party for my eighteenth birthday at Lisa's house. 3 they kept handing alcohol to me, I was pretty 4. I asked Tyler to take me home. With some 5, we made it out to his car and drove home. News came next morning. My friend Martin was 6 in a car accident. That night after Tyler and I left, Martin, who was   7 more drunk than me, got into his car and 8 towards the highway to go home. Driving on the wrong side of the road, he never saw the truck coming. The driver didn't see him 9 to avoid the car. They hit head on. Martin died immediately, and the driver was thrown 10 the truck windshield(挡风玻璃)and died a week later.

    Whenever I 11 back on that day, I can't help thinking that it was my 12 to drink so much that night. 13 things would be different. I know Martin 14 the choice to drink and drive that night, but I will always feel 15 for what happened. I may not change the world with my story, but I do hope that by 16 my story I can make you 17 that you not only have a responsibility for yourself but also for others. Don't ever think that your choices are yours 18. Every choice is like a stone dropped into 19water—each ripple (涟漪) represents someone who your choice 20. That's quite an influence, isn't it?

A . death     B . danger C . fashion   D . challenge
A . dreamed of     B . succeeded in   C . applied for      D . approved of
A . When      B . While         C . As       D . Although
A . numb      B . sleepy       C . frozen         D . drunk
A . fun          B . difficulties   C . hope            D . annoyance
A . died           B . killed          C . injured    D . hurt
A . clearly         B . frequently   C . constantly  D . equally
A . headed         B .  walked           C . targeted         D . fled
A . in trouble   B . in danger       C . in time D . in turn
A . above          B . below       C . into        D . through
A . turn         B . hold C . look      D . get
A . desire        B . fault              C . privilege     D . chance
A . Thus         B . Otherwise   C . Instead      D . Therefore
A . made       B . faced           C . avoided      D . regretted
A . disappointed   B . relevant    C . embarrassed      D . responsible
A . remembering B . sharing     C . declaring    D . recommending
A . explain       B . witness C . benefit       D . realize
A . finally         B . only              C . alone       D . merely
A . pure        B . deep           C . still       D . fresh
A . affects    B . inspires       C . attracts      D . urges

    The dolphin (海豚) swam in her tiny tank. It was early evening and the park was 1.  She was alone again.

    Earlier that day, she had performed her 2 for the visitors; and though their cheers pleased her, they did not 3 the sadness of forced separation (分离) she experienced daily, 4 her family.

    Later that afternoon, her keepers had done their usual set of 5 on her to make sure she would be ready for the next day's show. This time, she had given in quietly to their attentions. This 6 them, as it always did; they were so happy when she 7 them. But, when she didn't, they thought there was a 8; and she would be punished.

    She dived down and stared through the glass window into the observatory (观察) room. During the day, 9 crowded into this viewing room to watch her from an underwater angle (角度). The glass was 10 with the hand prints of the children who had pressed 11  to get a good 12.

    Her daily life seldom 13.  Trainers would teach her 14 tricks, to be added to her show. Sometimes, humans would bring their ill or 15 children to swim with her. And, over time, she would heal (治愈) them. But she'd always 16 the process (过程) so as not to expose her amazing ability to the humans.

    She swam up to the 17; then stared 18 at the stars above.

    She was far from her family; and she was 19.

    In the dark she sang.

    But none of her kind 20 her.

A . repaired B . gone     C . closed     D . built
A . tricks     B . stories       C . songs   D . duties
A . cause    B . stop         C . ignore   D . tell
A . along with  B . out of        C . except for     D . away from
A . thoughts  B . performances C . tests    D . plans
A . pleased  B . shocked   C . discouraged   D . puzzled
A . helped     B . obeyed      C . refused       D . guided
A . task          B . chance         C . reward      D . problem
A . keepers   B . visitors       C . reporters   D . testers
A . damaged B . blocked     C . decorated  D . covered
A . seriously   B . lightly       C . close        D . far
A . view     B . sight         C . scenery    D . scene
A . occurred    B . varied         C . remained D . survived
A . new         B . true    C . strange     D . regular
A . skillful     B . clever         C . disabled     D . shy
A . take down  B . slow down      C . turn down  D . put down
A . park        B . pool       C . surface D . shore
A . sadly      B . lazily          C . kindly        D . happily
A . free        B . present         C . independent  D . lonely
A . knew  B . heard       C . accepted    D . found
完形填空,阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

    Accept life as it is. I learned how to do it from my father. 1, he did not teach me acceptance when he was strong and healthy, but rather when he was 2 and ill.

    My father was 3a strong man who loved being active, but a terrible illness 4 all that away. Now he can no longer walk, and he must sit quietly in a chair all day. Even talking is 5 . One night, I went to visit him with my sisters. We started6about life, and I told them about one of my 7. I said that we must very often give things up 8 we grow — our youth, our beauty, our friends — but it always 9 that after we give something up, we gain something new in its place. Then suddenly my father 10 up. He said, “But, Peter, I gave up11 ! What did I gain?” I thought and thought, but I couldn't think of anything to say. 12 , he answered his own question: “I  13 the love of my family,” I looked at my sisters and saw tears in their eyes, along with hope and thankfulness.

    I was also 14 by his words. After that, when I began to feel irritated (愤怒的) at someone, I 15 remember his words and become 16 . If he could replace his great pain with a feeling of love for others, then I should be 17 to give up my small irritations. In this 18, I learned the power of acceptance from my father.

    Sometimes I 19 what other things I could have learned from him if I had listened more carefully when I was a boy. For now, though, I am 20 for this one word.

A . However B . Therefore C . Meanwhile D . Afterward
A . poor  B . slow C . weak D . tired
A . already    B . once  C . still D . only
A . sent      B . threw C . put D . took
A . difficult  B . stressful C . hopeless D . impossible
A . asking     B . talking C . worrying D . caring
A . experiences  B . decisions C . beliefs D . ambitions
A . till       B . as C . before  D . since
A . promises    B . suggests C . requires D . seems
A . spoke      B . opened C . summed D . turned
A .  anything    B . something C . everything  D . nothing
A . Immediately  B . Surprisingly C . Naturally   D . Certainly
A . accepted       B . had  C . enjoyed D . gained
A . attracted  B . warned C . touched D . astonished
A . would    B . should   C . could  D . might
A . quiet  B . relaxed C . calm D . happy
A . likely     B . free C . ready D . able
A . way     B . place C . case  D . form
A . wonder   B . doubt C . guess D . know
A . useful     B . grateful C . shameful D . ashamed

    It's after 10 a.m. and the kids are still sleeping. It's Sunday. This is a traditional day of 1.

    Every culture on the planet has 2 one day of rest a week.  Some use that time to go church, 3 others sleep, watch TV, and just give themselves the gift of a 4 day. And there are those who 5 that working up a sweat in the backyard is just what the doctor ordered, but I 6 that exact activity.

    We need to give ourselves a break, and a little rest 7 well for almost everybody. It doesn't 8 matter what the activity is. The idea is to give your body, mind, and heart a(n) 9 to relax. If you keep going at full speed every day, it can be really 10 on you, both physically and mentally.

    Some people 11 it hard to take a real vacation, let alone a day off. I have seen many people work themselves 12 an early grave because they were too13, and some too scared to give themselves a break.

    It doesn't matter what 14 your free time takes. You 15 yourself the gift of a deep breath and a view of the long sunset. Remember that you can't work well if you're exhausted (精疲力竭) by 16 stopping to take a rest. Again, it doesn't matter 17you do it. This is not about tradition. Find out whatever time works best for you, and 18 a plan.

    19 this and talk it over with others. The idea here is that by giving ourselves a break and just 20 a day off, we can make our lives better and actually create greater things in our world.

A . rest   B . work C . travel  D . exercise
A . at most   B . at least C . more than D . no more than
A . though   B . since C . unless   D . while
A . busy   B . tired C . lazy  D . terrible
A . feel   B . suggest C . insist D . dream
A . oppose  B . favour   C . doubt D . refuse
A . sells  B . goes C . works D . manages
A . regularly B . equally C . finally D . really
A . chance  B . measure C . step D . answer
A . good   B . meaningful C . helpful  D . hard
A . think   B . find   C . consider  D . put
A . at   B . on  C . with D . into
A . taken   B . allowed  C . driven D . expected
A . advice B . form C . gift   D . tradition
A . bring   B . show C . owe D . choose
A . never   B . ever   C . always  D . seldom
A . where   B . how   C . why D . when
A . accept  B . agree C . make  D . announce
A . Think about   B . Talk about C . Bring about D . Come about
A . asking  B . enjoying C . sharing   D . spending

    As we know, it is important to be honest with children. But there are some things in this world that simply aren't 1 . Sometimes it makes sense for parents to2to their children.

    I still remember my three-year-old daughter's face when we watched the 3that twenty children at Sandy Hook Elementary School had been killed. After a few minutes she 4and put her5arms around my legs and said, “I love you, Momma.” I was still 6whether or not to turn the TV off when she, 7, asked, “Momma, why aren't those kids OK?” I just 8that they were smart children,9 they did something wrong and got punished.

    We're not all 10of a little lie here and there. Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and Snow White are just a few examples of 11for parents to keep magic in the world. Magic, imagination and creativity are very essential in life, 12 for children. These stories battle against the negative aspects of the world and create 13. In the end children will be able to 14what is true and what was made to 15their lives. Out of five brothers and a sister I can happily report that not one of the children I grew up with was16when we discovered who all those17people really were.

    In life, a parent is the 18of knowledge, and it is up to the parent to decide what knowledge to teach and when. There's no 19to tell children all about the truth. As they become20, they will have a better understanding of the world.

A . user-friendly  B . kid-friendly C . reader-friendly D . teacher-friendly
A . agree B . Talk C . lie    D . react
A . news   B . game C . discussion D . experiment
A . came out B . fell down C . called back D . reached up
A . long   B . little C . thin D . strong
A . arguing B . researching C . considering D . questioning
A . in peace   B . in danger C . in doubt  D . in puzzlement
A . explained  B . announced   C . suggested D . apologized
A . so B . but C . or  D . until
A . afraid   B . tired C . guilty D . nervous
A . activities  B . goals   C . possibilities D . ways
A . especially   B . probably C . gradually  D . frequently
A . luck    B . hope C . honor   D . wealth
A . describe B . predict  C . understand D . remember
A . save B . live    C . start   D . better
A .  excited B . upset C . special  D . curious
A . imaginary  B . homeless  C . strange D . generous
A . friend  B . partner   C . keeper   D . advisor
A . time   B . choice  C . risk D . need
A . older   B . cleverer  C . braver  D . busier

I fell in love with Yosemite National Park the first time I saw it, when I was 13. My parents took us there for camping. On the way out, I asked them to wait while I ran up to E1 Capitan, a 1 rock of 3,300 feet straight up. I touched that giant rock and knew 2 I wanted to climb it. That has been my life's passion (钟爱) ever since— 3 the rocks and mountains of Yosemite. I've long made Yosemite my 4 .

    About 15 years ago I started seeing a lot of 5 , like toilet paper, beer cans, and empty boxes, around the area. It's 6 me why visitors started respecting the place 7 and treated such a beautiful home-like place this way.

    I tried 8 trash(垃圾)myself, but the job was too big. I would 9 an hour or two on the job, only to find the area trashed all over again weeks later. Finally, I got so 10 it that I decided something had to change.

As a rock-climbing guide, I knew 11 about organizing any big event. But in 2004, together with some climbers, I set a date for a 12 . On that day, more than 300 people 13 . Over three days we collected about 6,000 pounds of trash. It was amazing how much we were able to 14 . I couldn't believe the 15 we made —the park looked clean!

    Each year volunteers come for the cleanup from everywhere. In 2007 alone, 2,945 people picked up 42,330 pounds of trash and 16 132 miles of roadway.

    I often hear people 17 about their surroundings. If you are one of them, I would say the only way to change things is by 18 rather than complaining. We need to teach by 19 . You can't blame others 20 you start with yourself.

A . distant B . huge C . narrow D . loose
A . immediately B . finally C . gradually D . recently
A . imagining B . painting C . describing D . climbing
A . garden B . home C . lab D . palace
A . material B . resources C . waste D . goods
A . beyond B . against C . over D . within
A . more B . most C . less D . least
A . throwing away B . picking up C . breaking down D . digging out
A . kill B . save C . wait D . spend
A . satisfied with B . delighted in C . tired of D . used to
A . something B . anything C . everything D . nothing
A . cleanup B . party C . picnic D . concert
A . dropped out B . showed up C . looked around D . called back
A . demand B . receive C . accomplish D . overcome
A . plan B . visit C . contact D . difference
A . crossed B . measured C . covered D . designed
A . talk B . complain C . argue D . quarrel
A . doing B . thinking C . questioning D . watching
A . method B . explanation C . example D . research
A . although B . if C . when D . useless

    The four famous rock stars were due to arrive at any moment and a large crowd of young people had gathered at the airport to welcome them.The police found it difficult to keep the crowd under1after the plane landed and the performers appeared.They smiled and waved2at everybody.Dressed in pink shirts and light blue trousers,and with their long hair and their musical instruments3their shoulders,the four young men looked very much4.

    In spite of the large number of policemen5,it was clear that the group would not be able to get to their waiting car6.Word had got out that they had written a new song which would be7when they performed at the grand hall that evening.They were now8with crying of “Play something! Play your new song!”

    Even the police looked9when the young men unfolded their instruments and prepared to do one of their numbers as the10for getting out of the airport.The crowd settled down and listened to the first11of the new song. As soon as it was over,there was a great burst of applause and then everyone started12and shouting like crazy. Several young women fainted and had to be carried away by the13unit which was standing by.Greedy for more, the crowd14a repeat performance.Once again the performers gave in,but when the crowd requested still another song,the group cheerfully but firmly15.

    Now closely surrounded by the police,they put away their16and stared towards their car which was some distance away.The crowd pushed forward,but the policemen,17arm in arm,prevented anyone from getting through. It took the singers a long time to reach their18.Finally,however,they got in and were just about to drive away when a young woman,who had19to get past the police,jumped onto the roof of the car.She shouted loudly as two policemen20her away and the car began moving slowly through the cheering crowd.

A . control B . power C . rule D . care
A . straight B . cheerfully C . seriously D . directly
A . behind B . over C . across D . at
A . ashamed B . alone C . alike D . alive
A . present B . strict C . pleasant D . careful
A . happily B . cheaply C . properly D . easily
A . received B . kept C . known D . heard
A . screamed B . greeted C . addressed D . called
A . surprised B . pleased C . worried D . puzzled
A . excuse B . thanks C . price D . present
A . scene B . performance C . sound D . sight
A . jumping B . running C . singing D . dancing
A . fire B . work C . club D . rescue
A . made B . suggested C . demanded D . waited
A . gave out B . gave in C . turned down D . turned up
A . shirts B . instruments C . luggage D . hair
A . stood B . walked C . looked D . locked
A . hotel B . theatre C . top D . car
A . managed B . failed C . planned D . started
A . dragged B . pushed C . shot D . swept

    At my heaviest I weighed 370 pounds.I had a very poor relationship with food: I used it to1bad feelings,to make myself feel better,and to celebrate.Worried about my health,I tried many different kinds of2but nothing worked.I came to believe that I could do nothing about my3.

When I was 50,my weight problem began to affect me4.I didn't want to live the rest of my life with this 5weight any more.

    That year,I6a seminar where we were asked to create a project that would touch the world.A seminar leader shared her7story—she had not only 125 pounds,but also raised $25,000 for homeless children.

    8by her story,I created the As We Heal,the World Heals9.My goal was to lose 150 pounds in one year and raise $50,00010a movement founded 30 years ago to end hunger.This combination of healing myself and healing the world 11me as the perfect solution.

    12I began my own personal weight program,I was filled with the fear that I would13the same difficulties that beat me before.While the14hung over my head,there were also signs that I was headed down the right15.I sent letters to everyone I knew,telling them about my project.It worked perfectly.Donations began16in from hundreds of people.

    Of course,I also took some practical steps to lose weight.I consulted with a physician,I hired a fitness coach,and I began to eat small and17meals.My fund-raising focus also gave me new motivation to exercise18.

    A year later, I19my goal: I lost 150 pounds and raised $50,000!I feel that I've been given a second life to devote to something that is20and enormous.

A . add B . mix C . kill D . share
A . diets B . drinks C . fruits D . dishes
A . height B . ability C . wisdom D . weight
A . temporarily B . recently C . seriously D . secretly
A . ideal B . extra C . normal D . low
A . attended B . organized C . recommended D . mentioned
A . folk B . success C . adventure D . science
A . Surprised B . Amused C . Influenced D . Disturbed
A . project B . business C . system D . custom
A . in search of B . in need of C . in place of D . in support of
A . scared B . considered C . confused D . struck
A . As B . Until C . If D . Unless
A . get over B . run into C . look for D . put aside
A . excitement B . joy C . anger D . fear
A . row B . hall C . path D . street
A . breaking B . flooding C . jumping D . stepping
A . heavy B . full C . expense D . healthy
A . regularly B . limitlessly C . suddenly D . randomly
A . set B . reached C . missed D . dropped
A . stressful B . painful C . meaningful D . peaceful

    When Alice was sixteen, I was the one who wanted to run away from home. It was 1 to see the changes coming over her. She skipped school, and refused to communicate. I tried being firm, but it didn‘t 2. I saw a dark future for my once sweet daughter.

    One school day Alice returned home very late. With a quarrel in view. I was surprised to see Alice was 3.

     “I hope I did the right thing, Mom,”“Alice said. I saw a cat, all bloody but alive. I 4it to the vet's(宠物医院), and was asked to make payment 5. As I couldn't reach anyone at the phone number on the cat's tag(标牌), I had to pay the bill.”

    In the following days, the owner still couldn't be 6. Alice paid the vet to continue treatment. I grew 7: what if the family had simply left the cat behind?

    A week went by. A woman called to speak to Alice.

    “She is at school,” I said.

    “You have a 8daughter,” she said, apparently in tears.

    Her family had just returned from abroad, and got a (n) 9 from the vet. Their cat was recovering, thanks to Alice's 10. “We can't wait to hug Cuddles again,” she sobbed.

    Upon her return home, Alice was filled with 11at the news. So was I. I learned through another woman's eyes that my daughter was still a good person despite her 12teenage years. Her warm heart would surely guide her in the right direction.

A . pleasant B . painful C . unwise D . inspiring
A . remain B . match C . appear D . work
A . annoyed B . amused C . worried D . interested
A . carried B . followed C . returned D . guided
A . monthly B . honestly C . generously D . immediately
A . trusted B . contacted C . persuaded D . satisfied
A . active B . rude C . anxious D . proud
A . pretty B . grateful C . wonderful D . curious
A . apology B . invitation C . message D . reply
A . suggestion B . donation C . encouragement D . help
A . love B . anger C . regret D . joy
A . troubled B . long C . boring D . quiet

    The 28-year-old girl had spent six years working nights while she gained her university degree during the day. When she finally 1 she had her eye on a teaching2 at a nearby primary school. With the help of her friends, she had3 with the Head.

    “ I noticed a(n)4 hole in one of my stockings earlier,” she recalls. “ I thought about5them, but I knew I'd be late if I did. And by the time I got to the interview,6bigger. I walked in 7 for not looking my best,” The would-be teacher didn't 8the job. In fact one of her friends told her that the Head's only comment was: “ If someone doesn't take the time to present her best image at an interview, what kind of 9is she going to be?”

    In job-hunting, personal 10 is very important. After all, you're selling a product--11 to an employer. When going to a job interview, always brush your hair tidily, polish your shoes and above all,12 yourself properly. It will give you competitive advantages and a positive first 13The above idea was also suggested in a best-seller for jobseekers named Dress for Success.

    First impressions are 14ones. In other words, if you're viewed positively within the important first four 15 the person you've met will 16feel everything you do is positive. Leave the interviewer a 17 impression, and often he will guess you have a lot of other unsatisfactory characters.18, he or she may not take the time to give you a second 19 Most employers believe that those who look as if they care about 20 will care more about their jobs.

A . chose B . returned C . graduated D . succeeded
A . position B . competition C . guide D . advertisement
A . a word B . an agreement C . a discussion D . an interview
A . deep B . tiny C . extra D . special
A . making B . throwing C . changing D . removing
A . they were B . she was C . it was D . I was
A . hurriedly B . slowly C . apologizing D . answering
A . like B . get C . give up D . take up
A . worker B . person C . graduate D . teacher
A . preparation B . experience C . ability D . appearance
A . yourself B . knowledge C . skills D . advice
A . design B . show C . dress D . introduce
A . chance B . impression C . job D . reply
A . remaining B . lasting C . useful D . serious
A . interviewers B . jobseekers C . tests D . minutes
A . rarely B . occasionally C . probably D . certainly
A . bad B . clear C . light D . painful
A . In a word B . What's worse C . By the way D . Once again
A . job B . thought C . chance D . question
A . others B . themselves C . position D . salary

    Setting of fireworks during festivals is said to have a history of about 2000 years. It does add to festive atmosphere. But let's stop and 1 the price we pay for just a few minutes of 2  

    First, the amount of money we spend on fireworks is 3 .The excitement is gone  4  . Let's face it, what we really are doing is burning 5  . Those tax dollars would be 6  to much better use.

    Second, there is the matter of7  .Fireworks contain chemicals that are harmful to people and animals. Over the years, these chemicals will8 the air we breathe and the water we drink.

    Third, let's consider the rubbish left behind after a fireworks 9 . What a 10! One would probably 11 those who set off the fireworks would have the politeness to12the trash afterwards.13  they don't. The mess 14  the kind of attitude people have toward our15 .

    Fourth, fireworks are16 . Some fireworks can damage your17  , especially the fireworks used meanwhile that give off a big BANG. Losing your hearing is too high a price to pay.18 all the safety warning, we still see injuries and deaths as a result of fireworks. Approximately 10,000 Americans are injured every year by fireworks.

    In my view, all consumer fireworks should be19 . Public fireworks displays should be kept to a minimum and should be paid for through volunteer funding, not tax dollar. Finally, those people in charge of fireworks displays should be20 for cleaning up the mess they make.

A . think up B . show off C . think about D . turn up
A . doubt B . excitement C . surprise D . hesitation
A . limited B . worthwhile C . necessary D . absurd
A . in time B . in a flash C . for free D . for a while
A . money B . oil C . energy D . paper
A . place B . put C . take D . play
A . interest B . expense C . pollution D . safety
A . absorb B . clean C . reduce D . poison
A . display B . movement C . amazement D . working
A . pity B . shame C . mess D . lesson
A . warn B . order C . forbid D . expect
A . figure out B . pick up C . leave D . save
A . Therefore B . Otherwise C . However D . Anyhow
A . reflects B . adopts C . changes D . shares
A . behavior B . ground C . society D . environment
A . beautiful B . dangerous C . bright D . complex
A . memory B . speaking C . hearing D . sight
A . Without B . Besides C . Beyond D . Despite
A . banned B . discussed C . encouraged D . produced
A . famous B . intended C . responsible D . designed

    I teach biology at UNLV three times per week. Last Monday, at the beginning of class, I cheerfully asked my 1 how their weekend had been. One young man said that his weekend had not been so 2. He had his wisdom teeth removed. Then he went on to ask me why I always seemed to be so 3.

    His question4 me of something I'd read somewhere before: “Every morning when you get up, you have a 5 about how you want to deal with life that day,” I said. “I choose to be cheerful.”

    “Let me give you an example,” I continued, 6all sixty students in the class. “In 7 to teaching here at UNLV, I also teach out at a 8 in Henderson, 17 miles down the 9 from where I live. One day a few weeks ago I drove those 17 miles to Henderson. I exited the highway and turned onto College Drive. I only had to drive another quarter mile down the road to the college. But just then my car10. I tried to start it again, but the 11 wouldn't work. 12 I turned my flashers on, took my books, and 13 down the road to the college.

    “As soon as I got there, I called and14 for a tow truck to meet me at my car after 15. The secretary there asked me what had happened. “This is my 16day,” I replied, smiling.

    She was17. “What do you mean?”

    “My car could have broken down anywhere along the highway. It didn't.” I replied.

18, it broke down in the perfect place: off the highway, 19walking distance of here. I'm still able to teach my class, and I've been able to arrange for the tow truck to meet me after class. If my car was meant to break down today, it couldn't have been arranged in a more convenient 20.”

    I ended my story. In spite of the early hour, no one in my class seemed to be asleep. Somehow, my story had touched them.

A . students B . children C . teachers D . schoolmates
A . bad B . free C . sad D . good
A . cheerful B . grateful C . hopeful D . thankful
A . informed B . reminded C . told D . warned
A . decision B . choice C . preference D . judgment
A . showing B . demanding C . addressing D . commanding
A . contribution B . devotion C . addition D . application
A . school B . college C . university D . institute
A . highway B . railway C . road D . path
A . broke B . died C . ended D . finished
A . engine B . wheel C . light D . instrument
A . But B . And C . So D . Or
A . marched B . drove C . rode D . followed
A . prepared B . looked C . waited D . arranged
A . work B . class C . study D . lunch
A . usual B . unusual C . unlucky D . lucky
A . astonished B . puzzled C . excited D . pleased
A . Anyway B . Instead C . Also D . Still
A . within B . beyond C . without D . along
A . order B . need C . way D . situation
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白的最佳选项。

    How do you know if your home is an easy target for burglars(窃贼)? Around the holidays, many families don't consider taking proper1 to prevent their homes from suffering holiday thefts. With just a few simple 2, you can better make sure of the 3 of your home during all of the holiday celebrations. Here are a few tips for making it difficult to 4 you are away from home.

    Either have a trusted neighbor 5 your mail and newspapers, or tell your mailman to hold your mail until you 6. Make sure 7 says "Hey, we're not home!" like when your post-box is filled with all kinds of mail and you have many different newspapers in your driveway.

    8several different lights in your house on random timers. Do not leave your 9lights on all the time. 10, put your outside lights on timers to be on only during the 11. If an outdoor light 12 on for days at a time, it means that nobody is home to turn it off.

    If you have pets that you are not taking with you on vacation,13them with a friend,14 having someone coming into your house every day to take care of them. When burglars see a neighbor or friend15your house every day, they will know you are not home.

    Close all your 16when you leave town. This is effective to17possible burglars, as no one can see what is in your house. If they don't know what there is to take, then the18is even greater for them to break in.

    This article just has suggested a few tips to help you keep your house safe while you are on19. Nothing can truly protect your home unless you have it20by a professional home security system.

A . qualifications B . measures C . issues D . patterns
A . steps B . paces C . words D . manners
A . safety B . tidiness C . attraction D . structure
A . say B . tell C . speak D . predict
A . pull up B . take up C . pick up D . bring up
A . exist B . escape C . disappear D . return
A . everything B . something C . anything D . nothing
A . Choose B . Give C . Set D . Make
A . outdoor B . indoor C . inside D . kitchen
A . Therefore B . However C . Instead D . Again
A . days B . weekends C . weekdays D . nights
A . repeats B . remains C . lasts D . happens
A . find B . turn C . leave D . hold
A . other than B . rather than C . or rather D . or else
A . cleaning B . protecting C . evaluating D . entering
A . windows B . doors C . curtains D . eyes
A . improve B . discourage C . inspire D . frighten
A . chance B . desire C . reward D . risk
A . holiday B . board C . duty D . trip
A . monitored B . guided C . strengthened D . collected

    Food has always been one of the greatest wants of humankind. The search for food is the 1 human behavior. Thus, 2 food were easier to get and prepare, it would be really 3 to humankind. It would reduce a great burden (负担). The development of processed foods (加工食品) has made food easier to get and prepare. 4 every coin has two sides. Apart from its advantages, the 5 of cooking also has its disadvantages.

    Though processed foods seem a great way to save 6, they offer much less nutritional (营养的) value than traditional foods. People today are so 7 that they are not able to spend enough time preparing their food. As a result, many people 8 to eat processed foods, ready-to-cook meals and various fast foods. But what will 9 if one eats such food all year round? It will damage your 10. The nutritional value of the food is not so high. Worse still, research shows that preservatives (防腐剂) used in these foods are 11 to children. That's why health experts warn people not to eat too much of such 12 food.

    Besides, since people spend little time 13 food, the culture of cooking is slowly 14. Cooking is not done just to satisfy hunger; it is also a(n) 15 form of art. Across the world, there are thousands of 16 cooking styles. If young people are used to processed foods, few of them will develop great cooking 17. And when they become parents, it will be hard for their children to enjoy a(n) 18 home-cooked meal. What's more, cooking is a great time for 19 to connect. There is a lot of 20 when family members are preparing food together.

    In a word, I believe though processed food has made the preparation of food much easier, it has not been a good step for humankind.

A . special B . basic C . right D . valuable
A . though B . before C . if D . unless
A . dangerous B . helpful C . troublesome D . surprising
A . So B . And C . But D . Or
A . easiness B . safety C . method D . difficulty
A . energy B . food C . money D . time
A . rich B . strange C . smart D . busy
A . choose B . dislike C . refuse D . stop
A . change B . happen C . get D . offer
A . future B . memory C . brain D . health
A . harmful B . useless C . meaningful D . necessary
A . cold B . sweet C . unhealthy D . hot
A . heating B . finding C . preparing D . storing
A . varying B . dying C . appearing D . developing
A . important B . famous C . simple D . new
A . regular B . ordinary C . different D . similar
A . knowledge B . lessons C . interests D . skills
A . delicious B . clean C . expensive D . cheap
A . patients B . friends C . families D . cooks
A . success B . work C . progress D . fun

    In 2009 a group of parents in an English town started sharing worries about their children's money management skills. Shopping was done online; the children 1 saw their parents handling cash. They were2online, too. Money had become intangible(无形的). How, then, were children to learn its 3?

    The answer they 4 was GoHenry, an app now available in Britain. It is designed to help young people learn good 5 habits through real-world money management. Parents signed up with their own bank account(账户) and paid a monthly 6 of $2.99 for each child aged six or over. Adults and children 7 separate versions. At the end of last year, 379, 000 children had active accounts.

    Parents can schedule pocket money and 8 tasks. When those tasks are marked as 9, the child is paid some money back as a reward. Parents can see what child has 10 and where. And children choose 11 to use the card: in shops, online or at ATMs.

    Children get debit cards(借记卡) with their name. They can 12 their spending and set savings targets. They can decide to 13 for someone's birthday or set a goal at 12 to 14 $2,000 to buy a car at age 18. The app tells them how much to save each week to meet their 15.

    Some GoHenry customers are rich parents who 16 that their children will grow up financially careless. Others regard the 17 as an investment in their child's future. Some say that they have been 18 and want their children to avoid that mistake when they grow up; others say that the app is cost-effective because their children19to how to use money. Even though young people no longer touch and hold 20, they can still be taught to handle it well.

A . seldom B . regularly C . suddenly D . only
A . playing B . writing C . spending D . talking
A . books B . material C . history D . value
A . stepped away from B . put up with C . came up with D . looked down on
A . physical B . financial C . social D . cultural
A . fee B . fine C . bonus D . salary
A . overuse B . create C . download D . show
A . use B . set C . enjoy D . change
A . done B . lost C . gone D . used
A . bought B . read C . eaten D . worn
A . who B . where C . why D . whether
A . use B . continue C . increase D . view
A . complete B . return C . save D . wait
A . donate B . have C . waste D . borrow
A . money B . rule C . goal D . deadline
A . worry B . prove C . accept D . delight
A . car B . bank C . ATM D . app
A . in service B . in debt C . in control D . in danger
A . forget B . dream C . learn D . admit
A . time B . money C . power D . knowledge

    Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

    For years, life went something like this; We'd grow up in one place, head off to college, then find a city to live in for a few years to pursue a job or higher education. The end goal was to find somewhere to 1 for the long trip, buy a house, make a few friends, start a family, and begin the whole 2 all over again.

    But a new model for living is emerging; Some people are increasingly choosing to move from city to city throughout their entire lives, sometimes as 3 as every month.

    Just ask Alex Chatzielefteriou, who has had a front -row seat watching this evolution 4 and believes in the huge impact it is making or will make on the industry concerned. Six years ago, he 5 a start-up which is now called Blue-ground that rents out beautiful designed, 6 apartments for a month at a time, at rates that are cheaper than hotels. Today, the company has 3,000 7 in six U. S. cities, along with Dubai, Istanbul, London, Paris, and Alex's native Athens, and a staff of 400. The company just 8 $50 million in Series B funding, bring its total investment to $78 million, to continue its repaid 9 It hopes to have 50,000 estates in 50 cities over the next three years, and the goal is to make each one feel unique and comfortable, rather than 10 ,like what you might find in a traditional hotel.

    Alex first came up with the idea for Blue-ground while he was working as a management consultant for McKinsey. "The 11 of choice for consultants is the hotel," he says. "I had to spend five years in a hotel room, 12 in twelve different cities. I loved seeing the world, but I didn't love feeling like I didn't have a home." As he spoke to his friends and coworkers, he realized that many people buried themselves in 13 due to this drifting lifestyle that meant living gout of a suitcase in the same few non-descript hotel chains that all began to mix together rather than in the "home" full of their own memories.

    14 , Alex found the hotels aren't particularly cost-effective solution for companies, either. 15 , McKinsey sometimes paid $10,000 or more for him to stay in a major city for a month, which was far more expensive than local rents.

Is this new living model something that will really take off? Or is it just another flash in the pan? Let's wait and see.

A . move out B . settle down C . look around D . show up
A . style B . rhythm C . cycle D . trend
A . rarely B . frequently C . occasionally D . unusually
A . unfold B . recover C . improve D . shrink
A . completed B . involved C . launched D . overtook
A . fully-furnished B . poorly-equipped C . ideally-suited D . newly-decorated
A . landmarks B . vacancies C . properties D . terminals
A . deposited B . reserved C . granted D . obtained
A . distribution B . expansion C . combination D . stimulation
A . casual B . special C . normal D . irregular
A . attendance B . residence C . destination D . accommodation
A . wandering B . touring C . observing D . exploring
A . threat B . guilt C . danger D . frustration
A . Moreover B . Nevertheless C . Briefly D . Consequently
A . In a sense B . In his case C . On the scene D . On his occasion

Each year the headmaster of the school where I work asks us to read a book chosen by him. The book provides a framework for work we will do throughout the school year, which can 1 better service to our students.

This year's book is The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything by Ken Robinson. Robinson uses the term "the Element" to 2 the place where the things we love to do and the things we are good at come together. He goes on to say that he feels it is 3 for each of us to find our Element, not just for our own 4, but for the improvement of our communities.

How easy is it to look at those who seem to have found their Element? They are great at what they do, and we 5 they love to do it because they do what they do so well. But what is important to note, Robinson says, is that each of us has the ability to find the Element.

In 6 settings, there is an effort to help students uncover what 7they have been given. The goal then is to help them discover these talents through experience and education. Anyway, this is only one piece of the puzzle. Another piece is finding where a person's talent and the love of 8 that talent intersect (相交).

I like this book very much since it 9 my own life: how I parent my kid, how I teach, and how I 10 support to the students I work with, 11 or in groups. I appreciate the 12 of this book as it helps to frame growth potential within communities and individuals.

Realizing our given talent and properly practicing that talent are 13 and depend on each other for existence. The perfect combination of them can benefit not just ourselves, but our 14, communities and the whole world we humans live in. As a teacher, I am really looking forward to 15 my part.

A . raise B . spare C . offer D . supply
A . simplify B . describe C . beautify D . explore
A . essential B . convenient C . reasonable D . natural
A . application B . environment C . contribution D . development
A . deny B . assume C . doubt D . explore
A . political B . academic C . commercial D . geographical
A . experiences B . privileges C . gifts D . options
A . exercising B . accepting C . diversifying D . preparing
A . sticks to B . points to C . holds on to D . relates to
A . lend B . draw C . submit D . exploit
A . secretly B . individually C . purposely D . collectively
A . structure B . feature C . reputation D . guidance
A . inseparable B . permanent C . distinct D . unavoidable
A . friends B . families C . countries D . unions
A . playing B . forming C . taking D . knowing

How do you imagine the future? Will life in the future be better, worse or the same as now?1do you think of the future?

People 2 that life will probably be very different in 2050. First of all, larger planes 3, so flying will be very cheap. Solar power(太阳能) will be used in the cars and the cars will be much cleaner and safer. Everyone will have such a car. Robots will be 4 here and there. And space planes will take us around the world 5 two hours. Homes will be warm in winter and cool in summer, so they will be very comfortable, we will use the sun 6 our homes. Computers will be changed into very small so they will be very 7. People will do many things on the Internet.

At that time, water will become one of our most 8 problems. In many places, farmers will be in great need of water to 9 fruit and vegetables. By 2050, we will 10 able to help blind and deaf(聋) people see again and hear again. At that time, our life will become better and better.

A . Which B . How C . Why D . What
A . think B . disagree C . plan D . worry
A . is produced B . will be produced C . produces D . was produced
A . seeing B . seen C . saw D . sees
A . in B . after C . for D . at
A . heats B . to heat C . heating D . heated
A . heavy B . new C . long D . light
A . pleasant B . possible C . serious D . interesting
A . sell B . check C . buy D . grow
A . can B . be C . could D . are

I am an imaginative girl. I have always been 1 about the future just like the great novelist, Liu Cixin.

What will life be like in the future? What will happen to humans and other living things? When I was a little girl, I often thought about these questions and drew 2 of my imaginary future life in my album.

How will people in the future 3? Perhaps there will be cities underground, in the air or in the sea, where there will be new kinds of 4 like underground express trains, airships and undersea trains. With 5 technology, we may even be able to fly on a broom, just like Harry Potter.

Living conditions will also certainly 6 . Just imagine such a house in 7 it feels like spring all year because of an intelligent thermostat. All complicated and boring chores will be8  by a robot.

As for travel, it may be possible to travel through time and space freely. What if there were time machines to travel to any time in history? If I could 9a time machine, I would go to the age of dinosaurs and take them to the 10. By that time, more and more people would 11 dinosaurs as pets—you might even see people walk dinosaurs in the streets.

Maybe one day, riding flying dinosaurs to fly to schools in cities in the sky will be common. All kinds of creatures will work and play with us. What a harmonious world it will be!

However, as science and technology 12, pollution may become more serious, and then people will need to 13 new planets to live on. At the same time, human beings may 14become too dependent on science and technology, but I'm 15 that we can solve these problems step by step.

A . careful B . worried C . positive D . curious
A . books B . pictures C . photos D . diaries
A . shop B . live C . work D . play
A . shelters B . behavior C . transportation D . adventures
A . fast B . official C . advanced D . global
A . remain B . exchange C . suffer D . change
A . where B . that C . which D . who
A . done B . stared C . controlled D . made
A . stop B . use C . help D . deliver
A . future B . present C . home D . past
A . choose B . arrange C . provide D . trust
A . increases B . supports C . cheats D . develops
A . give up B . look for C . refer to D . work out
A . suddenly B . actually C . immediately D . gradually
A . confident B . anxious C . confused D . sorry

""I'll be back in a couple of hours," Dad said, leaving the house that late afternoon. "Two hours," I told1,"You can do this. "I took a long, deep breath and turned to2Mom. She couldn't see the3in my face. She4 with Alzheimer's(阿尔茨海默病). lf she had an episode(发作), I didn't know if I could 5it alone, especially at the end of the day.

On the one day a week I visited, I made myself6 cleaning the house, cooking meals and doing laundry. All the while Dad 7 Mom. But today he needed to go to a8, so Mom and I were on our own. As I watched her sleep soundly, I felt the 9leave my shoulders. I opened a book, and time passed peacefully10I became fully absorbed in the11.

Suddenly she sat upright. "Oh, no! The snow's getting on me. I'm so12. I'm scared. "

"Mom, you're safe. You're here at home. "

"Help me!" She grasped my hands13. I knew my words weren't enough when the anxiety took hold. I 14 for Dad to hurry home from his session. He would know how to help her. His presence always15 Mom when no one else seemed16to. What could I do? Just me, alone?

I did the only thing l could think of. I rubbed her forehead softly, just like she'd done for me as a17when I had a headache.

As the minutes wore on, Mom's heavy breathing18. The tension left her face. Soon l could hear the19 breathing of my sleeping mother. It was the20sound I'd ever heard.

A . him B . myself C . neighbors D . mom
A . face B . blame C . persuade D . terrify
A . courage B . smile C . cruelty D . worry
A . argued B . struggled C . matched D . started
A . handle B . cure C . imagine D . report
A . casual B . outgoing C . useful D . conscious
A . spied on B . won back C . woke up D . watched over
A . market B . hospital C . party D . meeting
A . attention B . tension C . ambition D . ache
A . unless B . though C . before D . as
A . words B . business C . housework D . movie
A . hungry B . cold C . thirsty D . comfortable
A . randomly B . softly C . tightly D . aimlessly
A . searched B . arranged C . prayed D . allowed
A . surprised B . worried C . reminded D . calmed
A . eager B . pleased C . able D . kind
A . child B . nurse C . student D . helper
A . appeared B . slowed C . trembled D . worsened
A . even B . quick C . loud D . deep
A . longest B . strongest C . sweetest D . toughest