七年级(初一): 语文 数学 英语 生物 历史 道法 地理 



  1. (1) 图中A表示的地形是                 ,B点的海拔为              米。

  2. (2) 图中河流流向大致是                 ,说明河流经过的地方地势     高     低。

  3. (3) 如果①②两条虚线中有一条表示有河流流过,则小河有可能位于哪处?请说说你的判断理由。

如图,AB∥CD,且∠DEC=100°,∠C=40°,则∠B的大小是(   )

A . 30° B . 40° C . 50° D . 60°

    We went on a school trip to New York. We had a good time. There were twenty-four students and three teachers. It was a five-day trip, and we visited some attractions (景点).

    We stayed at a hotel and six people had one room. We often had our meals out of the hotel—there were a number of restaurants nearby. We went around the city, and we were really given quite a lot of freedom(自由). So long as (只要) we were back to our rooms by 10 p.m., we could go where we wanted to. I was surprised at how safe I felt walking around New York in small groups. My friends and I enjoyed ourselves on the trip. I would like to advise it to anyone. If you decide to go, you will have a great time!

  1. (1) What is the message mainly about?

    A . A picnic B . A school trip. C . Ice-skating D . Shopping.
  2. (2) How many people went on the trip?

    A . Six B . Ten C . Twenty-four D . Twenty-seven.
  3. (3) According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

    A . Six students lived in one room in the hotel. B . Students had to get back to the hotel by 10 pm. C . Students spent five days on the trip. D . Students had their meals in the hotel.
  4. (4) What did the author think of the trip?

    A . He had a good time. B . He wanted more freedom on the trip. C . He didn't want to come back. D . He was surprised at how dangerous New York was.
  5. (5) What does the underlined word "advise" mean in Chinese?

    A . B . 推荐 C . 建议 D . 喜欢
都江堰、秦长城、大运河、赵州桥、明长城、北京故宫都是(  )

A . 杰出的水利工程 B . 木结构和石结构的杰出建筑 C . 保卫边防的防御工程 D . 中国古代劳动人民智慧的结晶
有关西亚社会情况的介绍,正确的是(    )

A . 西亚是基督教、伊斯兰教和佛教的发源地 B . 西亚的耶路撒冷被伊斯兰教、基督教、犹太教共奉为圣城 C . 西亚是世界人口密集区之一 D . 西亚多为阿拉伯人,人种为黄色人种
我国科学考察队去南极考察一般在11—12月抵达南极洲,主要原因是(  )
A . 此时是南极极夜时期,观测星座方便 B . 此时南极企鹅最多 C . 此时正是南极的暖季 D . 此时南极没有风雪
如果你是唐太宗时期中央的一名官员,那么你可能遇到的情况有(   )





A . ①②③ B . ②③④ C . ①③④ D . ①②①
81的算术平方根是(  )

A . 9 B . ±9    C . 3 D . ±3
在0,﹣2,1,﹣3这四个数中,最小的是(  )

A . 0 B . -2 C . 1 D . -3
________________________late for school again?
A . Does he be B . Are he C . Does he D . Is he
计算: +(2﹣π)0﹣|1﹣ |
找规律,填写字母: IKMO____________。
A . J B . N C . Q D . H
已知x=-2是方程2x+m-4=0的一个根,则m的值是(   )
A . 8 B . -8 C . 0 D . 2
已知方程 的解是x=2,则 的值为(       ).

A . 2 B . 3 C . 4 D . 5
下列说法不正确的是(  )

A . 贝加尔湖是世界最深和蓄水量最大的湖 B . 死海是世界陆地最低点 C . 马来群岛是世界最大的群岛 D . 青藏高原是世界面积最大的高原
Don't be (noise). I want to sleep now.
下列结论错误的是(  )

A . 若a=b,则a﹣c=b﹣c B . 若a=b,则ax=bx C . 若x=2,则x2=2x D . 若ax=bx,则a=b
“解题神器”——这是一款近段时间风靡校园的手机软件,只要将作业“扫”一下上传,答案马上就出来了。部分同学有了这个“神器”后,作业天天上传,知识不求甚解,只管抄袭答案,以求完成任务。对此,你的看法是(   )

A . 提高了学习效率,减轻了学业负担   B . 网络和科技改变了我们的学习方式 C . 有助于学生的全面发展             D . 抄袭作业答案是学习态度不端正的表现
唐太宗时期把公主嫁给松赞干布,大大促进了_______经济文化的发展与进步(    )

A . 新疆 B . 青海 C . 吐蕃 D . 云南