
Unexpected things may happen every day but no one can tell when and where. People usually get surprised or frightened by such things. One day I __ 31__ a taxi to go to a meeting. As it came near the corner, the taxi stopped suddenly. The driver got out looking puzzled. A big truck which had been following the taxi stopped, too. The taxi driver was now standing at the corner looking up to the sky. And the truck driver got out and __ 32 __ him. A number of cars behind them were forced to stop as well and a large crowd of people had __ 33 __ at the corner.The cause of all this __ 34 __ was a very(2004?澄海区)成语“百发百中”如果用数学中的“百分率”表示,即可说成“100%的命中率”.正确正确.
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