
1. 完型填空 详细信息
In China, very few children make pocket money,_______, in western countries, most kids make pocket money bythemselves. They make money in many different_______. When kids are very young, their parents help them sell the fruitsof their own trees to neighbours. Kids may also help_______do housework to make money at home. When they_______sixteen, they can make money by sending newspapers or by working in fast food restaurants,_______during the summerholidays.
There are many_______of making pocket money by kids themselves. First of all, they learn the_______of money byworking hard so that they will not waste any. Secondly, they learn to_______money to buy things they need or want, suchas books, pencils, movies and even clothes they like. Thirdly, they learn to_______the daily life problems by helping theirparents or others. Making pocket money is________for children when they grow up. That is why parents encourage theirkids to make pocket money.
【1】A.Also B.Anyway C.However D.Besides
【2】A.ways B.levels C.homes D.countries
【3】A.teachers B.friends C.parents D.neighbours
【4】A.get B.have C.catch D.reach
【5】A.really B.hardly C.properly D.especially
【6】A.choices B.advantages C.problems D.lessons
【7】A.fun B.value C.message D.purpose
【8】A.count B.waste C.manage D.change
【9】A.give up B.look up C.deal with D.meet with
【10】A.helpful R. careful B.beautiful C.successful
2. 阅读理解 详细信息
My name is Sam. I joined a club called “passing help” last month. Now let me tell you why I joined it.
One evening this May, on my way home my old car broken down(出故障). It was 25 miles from my home. I wanted to get a ride(搭便车), but there was no car. It was also hard to take a taxi. I decided to take a bus home. I went to a bus stop nearby.
After a while, a bus came, but it did not go to my town. The bus driver was a young woman. She was kind and she told me which bus I should take. I waited there for about thirty minutes, but no bus came. At last a car came to me and a woman came out of the car. She was just the bus driver.
“When I reached the bus station, I got to know that the bus to your town couldn’t come, so I returned here. I just can’t leave you here,” she said, “Get in my car and I will take you back to your home.”
“It is a long way.” I said.
“Come on, sir,” she said, “Let’s go.”
On the way she told me a story. A few days ago, there wasn’t gas(汽油)in her car. An old man drove her up to a gas station and then back to her car.
When we got to my home, I wanted to give her some money to thank her, but she didn’t accept it. “I only want to help others and do something nice for somebody. Pass it along.” She said.
【1】What happened to Sam one evening this May?
A.He lost his way. B.His car broken down.
C.He was hurt in an accident. D.He couldn’t reach the gas station.
【2】Sam didn’t think of going home__________ that evening.
A.by train B.by bus C.by car D.by taxi
【3】From the passage, we know that the young woman was _________.
A.a club boss B.a taxi driver C.a bus driver D.a gas station worker
【4】The young woman wanted Sam to _________.
A.give her some money B.get on her bus
C.take her to her house D.help others just as she did
【5】The best title(题目)of the passage is ________ .
A.A kind old man B.Getting a ride C.Passing help D.A broken car
3. 阅读理解 详细信息
That day I sat on a shelf in a toy shop and looked out of the window as usual. Little children were passing in front of the toy shop. Sometimes they stopped by the window and looked at the toys and choose one or two for buying, but it didn’t make me happy because I knew that no one wished to buy me. I was a lonely poor teddy (泰迪熊) bear. They put me on a shelf in a corner of the toy shop and forgot about me. Then I became disappointed, sad, and alone because little children didn’t pay attention to me and pushed me away when they were looking for beautiful toys.
One day a girl and her father were by passing the shop. Suddenly, she stopped and looked at the toys. By her clothes, I could tell they were not rich. She was about eight years old, thin, and sweet. They entered the shop. She searched the shelves and suddenly her eyes stopped at me. She reached out to take me and looked at me carefully. She said “daddy, I found a beautiful cheap teddy”. So they paid half price and cleaned me up. I have never been happier because I have an angel (天使) to care for me.
【1】The teddy bear _____when the children was shopping or passing by the shop.
A.was sitting on the ground B.was out of the windows
C.was looking out of the window D.was very excited
【2】The teddy bear was not happy, because _________.
A.he was very ugly B.children didn’t like him
C.children didn’t notice him D.something is wrong with him
【3】The little girl __________.
A.was very poor B.didn’t like teddy bear at all
C.was short and heavy D.was a seller girl of the toy shop
【4】The underline word “search” may mean ‘_____’ in Chinese.
A.打扫 B.观察 C.摆放 D.搜寻
【5】At last, ____________.
A.the girl put the teddy on the shelf again B.the girl got the teddy bear
C.paid the full price for the teddy bear. D.the girl was too poor to buy the
4. 选择句子补全短文 详细信息
Can you think of having computer screens or mobile phones that change shapes to tell you when you have a new message?【1】
Mobile phones are our friends and we always feel that we can’t live without them. Scientist at the Human Media Lab in Canada invented (发明) a special mobile phone called More Phone. It is as thin as a piece of paper.【2】 You can even jump on it.
It uses very little power (能量)【3】. It is very light. You can take it around easily. You can take it when you have a holiday or when you need to work in the outside for a long time. And you don’t need to worry about the batteries.
Scientists spent about 13 years developing this new phone. Now they need to encourage people to use it. “【4】because people always don’t believe it at first. And you need to show them how good your produce is” said one scientist.
It is really a fantastic invention. 【5】
A.so there is no need for large batteries(电池)
B.Do you want to have a mobile phone like this?
C.It’s not easy to bring a new product(产品) to the market
D.Students often play games on mobile phones.
E.It may sound like an impossible idea but in fact someone has invented it.
F.It can be any size and any color.
G.People don’t like new things.
5. 短文填空 详细信息
There used to be hundreds of red squirrels in the British forest. Every year, lots of 【1】 (tour) went there to watch them. But now they have become endangered and there are fewer than 160,000 red squirrels【2】(live) in the forest. And most of them are in Scotland. However, gray squirrels are now so common in Britain 【3】 so many people don not like them. Some people even think they should kill gray squirrels for the 【4】 (protect)of the red squirrels.
You can hardly notice the 【5】 (different) between two kinds of squirrels when you see them for the first time. They both have long tails. The tail helps them keep balance. And they have same large eyes,small ears and strong legs. However, gray squirrels are 【6】 (large).Their heads and bodies are bigger and their tails are also longer.
So why did red squirrels lose in competition 【7】 gray squirrels? Size is one reason, but there are others. Red squirrels live high up in the tree, while gray squirrels spend more of their time 【8】 (stay) on the ground. This 【9】 (mean) any loss of forests greatly influences the number of red squirrels, but it doesn’t have much to do with the gray squirrels. Another reason for gray squirrels’【10】 (succeed) is that they can live in towns and cities, and can get food from humans.
6. 单词拼写 详细信息
The old photos often r_____ me of my childhood in the small town.
7. 单词拼写 详细信息
My watch went wrong and my uncle f_________ it up for me this morning.
8. 单词拼写 详细信息
They jumped in e_________ when they heard the news.
9. 单词拼写 详细信息
If you are really tired, you should take a b_____.
10. 单词拼写 详细信息
The e___________ on his face showed that he was uncomfortable.
11. 单词拼写 详细信息
Everyone is b____ with the ability to learn.
12. 单词拼写 详细信息
Don’t tell others! Please keep it as a s___________ between us.
13. 单词拼写 详细信息
I don’t think g_______ is the most important in learning English.
14. 单词拼写 详细信息
She has a sweet voice. So she sings b_________.
15. 单词拼写 详细信息
Learn w_______ and you can learn easily.