
1. 音标题 详细信息
(______) 1. A. wear B. pear C. near
(______) 2. A. party B. park C. quarter
(______) 3. A. fit B. like C. this
(______) 4. A. house B. through C. mouth
(______) 4. A. make B. game C. magic
2. 翻译 详细信息
1. 聪明的人___________________________ 2. 试穿________________________
3. 指着国王___________________________ 4. 努力地想____________________
5. 神奇的衣服_________________________ 6. make new clothes for you________
7. in the street _______________________ 8. say the next sentence ___________
9. on the mountain _____________________ 10. turn into a prince _____________
3. 选择题 详细信息
Long long ago, there was an old man. He in a house. ( )
A. live B. lives C. lived
4. 选择题 详细信息
It’s turn. ( )
A. Tom B. Tom’s C. Toms
5. 选择题 详细信息
The girl is looking after ______. ( )
A. him B. his C. he
6. 选择题 详细信息
There many houses on the mountain two years ago. ( )
A. are B. was C. were
7. 选择题 详细信息
They at the foolish boy. ( )
A. laughing B. laughs C. laughed
8. 选择题 详细信息
My English teacher us his new pen last class. ( )
A. show B. showed C. shows
9. 选择题 详细信息
Look, the students are an English party. ( )
A. having B. have C. has D. had
10. 选择题 详细信息
I’m behind Jack, so Jack is me. ( )
A. under B. beside C. in front of
11. 选择题 详细信息
My brother usually up at six in the morning, but he up at seven this morning. He was late for school. ( )
A. gets; got B. got ; gets C. gets; gets
12. 选择题 详细信息
Two men the king this morning. ( )
A. visit B. visited C. visiting
13. 选择题 详细信息
I ________ TV a moment ago. ( )
A. watch B. watched C. looked D. look
14. 选择题 详细信息
Tom ________ the farm _______ his family yesterday. ( )
A. visit, with B. visited, for C. visited, and D. visited, with
15. 选择题 详细信息
It’s seven o’clock. David has to ________.
A. go to school B. going to school C. went to school
16. 选择题 详细信息
Each student ______ one picture. ( )
A. draw B. draws C. drawing D. to drawing
17. 选择题 详细信息
She usually _______ new clothes ________ his doll. ( )
A. makes…with B. make…for C. makes…for D. make…with
18. 选择题 详细信息
The lion always walks ______ the forest every day. ( )
A. under B. through C. behind
19. 选择题 详细信息
The witch ______ the prince ______ a lion. ( )
A. turned … on B. talked…with C. told … about D. turned… into
20. 选择题 详细信息
The clothes are beautiful. Please ______________. ( )
A. try it on B. try on them C. try them on D. try on it
21. 选择题 详细信息
The shoes are very cool, but they_______ me. ( )
A. are fitting B. fit C. don’t fit D. fits
22. 选择题 详细信息
Yesterday Nancy was sick. Her mother ________ her carefully. ( )
A. looked after B. looked at C. looked for
23. 单词拼写 详细信息
根据本单元Story time内容,由上下文及首字母提示完成下面的短文。
Long long ago, there w【1】a king . He l【2】new clothes. Two men v【3】the king and w【4】to make new clothes for him. The king w【5】very happy. They s【6】the king his new clothes. The king w【7】through the city i【8】his new clothes. A little boy l【9】at him ,“The king isn’t w【10】 any clothes.”
24. 翻译 详细信息
1. 很久以前,有一只狮子。它住在森林里。
Long long ago, there_________ a lion。It __________ in the forest.
2. 有一天,两位老人从房子旁边走过。
One day, two old ___________ ____________ by the house.
3. 格林太太在给她的孩子们讲故事。
Mrs. Green is ____________ her ___________ a ____________.
4. 我妈妈病了,我必须要照顾她。
My mother is __________. I have to __________ __________ her.
25. 连词成句 详细信息
1. showed, his, the, two, clothes, king, the, men, new (.)
2. her ,and, students, Miss fox, playing, are, game, a (.)
3. isn’t, clothes ,the, wearing, any, king (.)
4. in, the, the, new, his, king, city, walked, clothes, through (.)
5. to, the, was, her, nice, king (.)
26. 完型填空 详细信息
Long, long ago, there was a king. His ____ was Henry. He liked ____ very much. He thought his pictures were good, so he liked to show ____ to people. Because people were afraid of him, they all said that his pictures were very ____. One day, he ____ his pictures to a famous painter(著名的画家). He wanted the painter to say ____ of these pictures. ____ the painter said his pictures were bad. Henry was very ____ with him and sent him to prison(监狱).
The painter was free. Again Henry showed him some of his new pictures. The painter ____ the pictures and said, “Take me back to ____, please.”
【1】A. hobby B. name C. house
【2】A. singing B. dancing C. drawing
【3】A. it B. them C. him
【4】A. good B. bad C. old
【5】A. showed B. carried C. played
【6】A. good B. bad C. old
【7】A. And B. Then C. But
【8】A. happy B. nice C. angry
【9】A. looked at B. looked after C. looked for
【10】A. home B. prison C. town
27. 阅读理解 详细信息
Today is Sunday. It’s seven thirty in the morning. It’s fine. Kate and her parents are going to the Great Wall. Kate’s father is a doctor. Her mother is a teacher. Now they’re getting on a big bus. There are twenty-two people in it. Some are English, and some are American and Japanese. They look very happy. They’re going to the Great Wall, too.
There are four Chinese on the bus. A young woman, she’s a driver. A young man, he’s a guide(导游). My father and I are going to the Great wall, too.
( ) 1. It’s a fine Sunday morning.
( ) 2. Kate’s father and mother are teachers.
( ) 3. There are twenty-two people in the bus.
( ) 4. They are happy.
( ) 5. The driver is a young man.
28. 阅读理解 详细信息
David’s grandparents live in a small town near Suzhou. They have a nice house. Last Sunday, David went to visit them with Su Hai, Su Yang, Gao Shan, Yang Ling, Liu Tao and Ben. David’s grandparents were very glad to see them. David’s grandpa showed them a lot of stamps from different countries, and his grandma cooked a nice meal for them. They all liked the meal very much.
In the morning, David and his friends cleaned the house. After lunch, the children worked in the garden. Su Hai and Su Yang watered trees and flowers. David and Gao Shan picked apples. Yang Ling planted(种植) some trees with Ben. They worked there for two hours. They were tired, but they really had a good time.
【1】Last Sunday, some children visited grandparents. ( )
A. Yang Ling’s B. Ben’s C. David’s
【2】Grandpa has a lot of . ( )
A. stamps B. ducks C. houses
【3】 cooked a nice meal. ( )
A. David B. Grandma C. Grandpa
【4】 planted trees. ( )
A. Su Hai and Su Yang B. David and Gao Shan C. Yang Ling and Ben
【5】The children were very that day. ( )
A. tired but happy B. tired and hungry C. hot and happy