江苏省如皋市搬经中学2016-2017学年高一英语综合训练二 Word版含答案

1. 详细信息

Jack speaks ________English like a native. I always admire him.

Now he is learning ________more difficult languageArabic.


A. an; a  B. /; the  C. /; a  D. the; a

2. 详细信息

She cared for children so much that she devoted most of her time to children ________work after graduation from a university.

A. career  B. business  C. welfare  D. profit

3. 详细信息

Hawaii is ________a beautiful place of interest. It is also famous for its rich cultural relics.

A. more than  B. less than  C. other than  D. rather than

4. 详细信息

 Don't defend him any more. It's obvious that he ________ destroyed the fence of the garden even without  an apology.

A. accidentally  B. carelessly  C. deliberately  D. clumsily

5. 详细信息

In the supermarket foreign names of the products got ________ and I was confused about what to buy.

A. mixed up  B. fixed up  C. picked up  D. showed up

6. 详细信息

________to our surprise, he went over all his notes in such a short time, ________for the next day's examination.

A. Very; preparing  B. Much; prepared

C. Greatly; to be prepared  D. Rather; being prepared

7. 详细信息

In my childhood, I envied my classmates very much as my absence from school was not allowed due to my strict parents. I had to be __7__ in order to stay home. My parents __8__ to say that they were leading me to have a __9__ work ethic(职业道德). Not until last week did I see the __10__

I was on a bus, and behind was a man who was __11__ to his friend about his life. His dream was to become a director but he wouldn't continue to __12__ it because he had no __13__ if he could make enough money. And he didn't want to waste __14__ because it probably would take months or years to __15__ it big. Then he admitted to thinking about becoming a(n) __16__ because he thought he could __17__ make six figures within one year. His friend agreed because as he put it, I have no __18__ to work long hours and not make much money. Taking pictures is good because you can make big money and only work short hours.”

Many people these days don't__19__ that when things seem to happen immediately, it is only because a lot of __20__ , determination and time have gone into it. Someone once told me that you may know __21__ someone is an expert in his given field by how easy he makes it look. The __22__ it looks, the more hours go into it.

There is no__23__ for laziness. In the television show Fame, the dance teacher told her students, If you want fame, fame __24__ and here's how you start paying for it, in sweat. Every time I watch that show, my dad would repeat how __25__ she was because in order to __26__ you have to work hard. He would go on and on about how bad it is to be lazy.

7. A. shaking  B. smiling  C. shouting  D. lying

8. A. needed  B. used  C. agreed  D. ought

9. A. different  B. reliable  C. standard  D. good

10. A. evidence  B. significance  C. answer  D. result

11. A. writing  B. explaining  C. reflecting  D. complaining 

12. A. support  B. make  C. follow  D. change

13. A. idea  B. doubt  C. evidence  D. sign

14. A. luck  B. money  C. time  D. opportunity

15. A. take  B. promote  C. make  D. create

16. A. dancer  B. lawyer  C. actor  D. photographer

17. A. gently  B. eagerly  C. easily  D. carefully

18. A. choice  B. time  C. desire  D. chance

19. A. understand  B. guarantee  C. recognize  D. realize

20. A. decision  B. effort  C. pressure  D. intelligence

21. A. that  B. why  C. whether  D. when

22. A. easier  B. lighter  C. better  D. harder

23. A. explanation  B. statement  C. excuse  D. possibility

24. A. matters  B. arises  C. works  D. costs

25. A. natural  B. beautiful  C. right  D. kind

26. A. succeed  B. develop  C. finish  D. rest

8. 详细信息

I recently ran into an old friend who I hadn't seen for two years. She looked tired and was talking in a loud voice. She is a headhunter, and had just finished interviewing a candidate but failed to impress him.

Then she started to complain about her health problems. One year ago, she began to notice a ringing in her ears. She went to the hospital and was told that her problem might have resulted from stress. The doctor gave her pills for her nerves.

At night, she has to listen to loud music to quiet the noise in her head and fall asleep. Her life has become a two­point routine of work and home. Even while she was vacationing in Thailand, she found herself searching for the right candidate.

She suffers from the same workaholic depression as another friend who works for an advertising company. This friend has to work overtime almost every day. If she's lucky, she can leave at 9 pm.; otherwise it's midnight. For her, working on weekends has become normal. Each time I see her, she seems down.

My two friends share something in common: They don't want to escape their misery, believing that if you don't work hard when you are young, you will regret it. That may be true, but there are limits. If every day you wake up feeling down, then it may be time to move on.

As important as finding a job that you really like, is finding a company with a healthy atmosphere. The right company should lift your spirits and have a team working toward a common goal. As for the employees, they should work hard and play hard. If you can enjoy life, you will have more passion to bring to your work.

27. Why did the author's old friend suffer from health problems?

A. Because of stress from work.  B. Because she ate too much.

C. Because of the loud noise in her workplace.  D. Because she failed to impress a candidate.

28. One thing that the author's two friends share is that ________

A. they both love their work  B. they both work extremely hard

C. they both work for an advertising company  D. they both take an active part in social activities

29. What does the author think important in finding a job?

A. Chances to achieve one's goal.  B. Chances to learn new things.

C. A pleasant working atmosphere.  D. A good boss and a large salary.

9. 详细信息

If you feel sleepy every morning, don't blame yourself. Your work schedule could be to blame.

A recent research shows that, for many of us, our work schedules do not agree with our natural body clocksand experts are urging employers to take notice.

 When work schedules agree with people's natural sleep patterns, they produce higher quality and more creative work because they are more focused, less stressed and generally healthier. The opposite is also truewhen employees are sleep deprived, they are more likely to make major mistakes and suffer from workplace injuries,” said Christopher Barnes, a management professor from the University of Washington.

But it's not just about the amount of sleep you get. Whether you can be productive at 8 am. depends on your own body. Human beings each have an internal body clock,” said Till Roenneberg, a professor at Ludwig­Maximilian University in Munich. And that clock can differ greatly depending on the person.

 It's like feet,” said Roenneberg. Some people are born with big feet and some with small feet, but most people are somewhere in the middle.”

Many companies start the work day at 8 am. or 9 am., putting their work schedules in disagreement with their employees' body clock. That mismatch, along with the pressure from work at all hours of the day and night, means that many people suffer from “social jetlag”. In other words, their bodies are always in the wrong time zone. He estimates that more than 70% of people get up earlier than they should.

There is an old saying that sleep is for the weak,” said Roenneberg. But I do feel like it doesn't help to have shortened sleep.”

30. According to the author, many people feel sleepy in the morning because________

A. they start to work too early  B. they are not in good health

C. they have no interest in their work  D. they stay up too late the night before

31. What does Christopher Barnes mainly tell us?

A. The influences of lack of sleep.

B. The possible causes of poor sleep.

C. The useful ways to improve our sleep.

D. The connection between sleep and work performance.

32. By mentioning people's feet, Roenneberg intends to tell us ________

A. people are born with feet of different sizes

B. people's body clocks differ from person to person

C. it is the most important to wear shoes of the right size

D. it is most important to obey our natural body clocks

33. Which of the following does the author agree to?

A. Sleep is for the weak.  B. The early bird catches the worm.

C. Plenty of sleep contributes to good work.  D. The more you sleep, the less work you can do.

10. 详细信息

Anything that poses a challenge or a threat to our well­being is a stress. Some stresses get you going and they are good for youwithout any stress at all many say our lives would be boring and would probably feel pointless. However, when the stresses undermine both our mental and physical health they are bad. Here we shall be focusing on stress that is bad for you.

Stress is the feeling we have when under pressure, while stressors are the things we respond to in our environment.Examples of stressors are noises, unpleasant people, a speeding car, or even going out on a first date. Generally (but not always), the more stressors we experience, the more stressed we feel.

When we are stressed the following happens

Blood pressure rises.

Breathing becomes more rapid.

Heart rate (pulse) rises.

Muscles become tense.

We do not sleep (heightened state of alertness)

Most of us have varying interpretations of what stress is about and what matters. Some of us focus on what happens to us, such as breaking a bone or getting a promotion, while others think more about the event itself. How you see that stressful event will be the largest single factor that impacts on your physical and mental health. Your interpretation of events and challenges in life may decide whether they are invigorating or harmful for you.

There are three broad methods you can follow to treat stress.

Self help for treating stress

Exercise has been proven to have a beneficial effect on a person's mental and physical state. For many people exercise is an extremely useful stress buster.

Alcohol and drugs will not help you manage your stress better. Either stop consuming them completely, or cut down.

If your consumption of coffee and other drinks which contain caffeine is high, cut down.

Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. Make sure you have a healthy and balanced diet.

Talk to you family, friends, work colleagues and your boss. Express your thoughts and worries.

Stress management techniques

Stress management can help you to keep away from the source of stress, change the way you view a stressful event, and lower the impact that stress might have on your body. Stress management therapy will have the objective of pursuing one or more of these approaches.


Doctors will not usually prescribe medications for coping with stress, unless the patient has an underlying illness, such as depression or some type of anxiety. If that is the case, the doctor is actually treating a mental illness. In such cases, an antidepressant may be prescribed. Bear in mind that there is a risk that all the medication will do is mask the stress, rather than help you deal and cope with it.


Passage outline

Supporting details

Understanding of stress

Stress is pressure or worry (34)________ by the stressors in your life.

Some stresses (35)_________ you while some others make you suffer.

(36)________ of stress

You have (37)________ blood pressure.

Your heart (38)________ faster.

You become sleepless.

Your breath and muscles are abnormal.

Attitudes towards stress

You care about what concerns (39)________.

You pay attention to what is (40)________ around you.

Above all, how you look at challenges affects your health.

Ways to deal with stress

Exercise, a proper diet, communication help to (41)________ your stress while alcohol, drugs and coffee do not.

Stress management guides you how to (42)________ and reduce stress.

Medicines can be used to treat a mental illness but cannot solve the problem (43)________.

11. 详细信息


 After the completion of Shenzhou­9 mission, we will prepare for the next. We will be ready for the selection of our motherland, to make new contributions to China's manned space program.

I think during our lifetime, we need to set for us one dream after another and one goal after another, and to try our best towards the set objective(目标)

The Olympic Games is held every four years. I conducted my first space mission(任务) in 2008, and then again second in 2012, and now, another four years has just passed. I think I need to learn from Chinese Olympic shooter Wang Yifu, who has participated in nine Olympic Games. I still have a long way to go.













(1) 介绍景海鹏的成长历程。

(2) 根据材料总结我们应从他身上学习到的优秀品质(至少两点)


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