
In my childhood, I envied my classmates very much as my absence from school was not allowed due to my strict parents. I had to be __7__ in order to stay home. My parents __8__ to say that they were leading me to have a __9__ work ethic(职业道德). Not until last week did I see the __10__. I was on a bus, and behind was a man who was __11__ to his friend about his life. His dream was to become a director but he wouldn't continue to __12__ it because he had no __13__ if he could make enough money. And he didn't want to waste __14__ because it probably would take months or years to _2、下列各句中,没有语病的一句是 A.前不久,在加拿大召开的有20个国家,400多位科学家参加的第八届激光学术会议上,这两篇论文受到高度重视,给予了颇高评价。 B.文章里的中心思想确定以后,还要根据中心思想的需要,认真地组织、选择材料。 C.血液是运送生命物质的长河,一旦病毒、细菌等病害侵入我们的身体,它也是保护我们身体的卫士。 D.其实,只要部分观众适应了字幕版的放映方式,根本就没有必要不因为配音这一环节而造成不必要的资金消耗。
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