
根据对话内容,填入适当的单词,短语或句子完成对话。 Michael: Hello, Nancy. You don’t look well. ____1___? Nancy: I have a cold. Michael: I’m ____2___to hear that. You should go to hospital and see a doctor. Nancy: I think I should. And are you going anywhere for vacation? Michael: I’m going to ____3___ Nancy: Europe? What are you doing there? Michael: I’m going hiking and sightseeing. Nancy: ____4___are you staying? Michael: Just one week. Nancy: Well, ___5____! Michael: Thank you.某同学设计了用一氧化碳与氧化铁反应来探究炼铁原理的装置,如图.(1)实验时先通入一会儿一氧化碳再加热,其目的是为了防止 ;从环保角度上看,上述装置有不足之处,改进措施是 .(2)玻璃管中发生反应的化学方程式为 .(3)铁架台是由铁合金制成的.铁的合金包括生铁和钢,二者含碳量较高的是 ;铁架台的防锈措施是 (写一点即可).
英语 试题推荐