
1. 详细信息

Visiting Artist Series is a yearlong celebration of the arts at The Magic House, St. Louis Children’s Museum. One weekend every month, museum visitors have the opportunity to learn from a variety of professional artists as they demonstrate (示范) their techniques. Children are invited to work alongside the artists and explore similar

materials as they join in the fun of the creative process.

Visiting Artist Workshops and performances are free with Museum admission.Workshops  run  throughout  the  day and  no  registration  is  required.  Live  performances  are  presented  at scheduled times.

Petite Picasso Classes

Children ages 3-5 and their special grown-up discover the magic of art through special 4-week multi-sensory art classes in the Museum’s Art Studio. Each monthly session features a different variety of unique art experiences that encourage exploration, creativity, symbolic thinking and fine motor development.

The cost is $60 for a child and his/her parent and $40 for members. Your cost includes your special art class and all-day admission to the museum.

Payment is due when making your reservation and fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.

A reservation receipt is sent your email after you complete your reservation. Please let us know if you do not receive this email to be sure your reservation is completed.

Art Studio Project Calendar. March 14, 2016: Paper sculptures

March 15, 2016: Paper Sculptures

March 16, 2016: Paper Sculptures March 17, 2016: St. Patrick’s Day Art March 18, 2016: Paper Sculptures

March 19, 2016: Spring Art Collage (拼贴画)

March 20, 2016: Recycled Art

21.  What do we know about Visiting Artist Series?

A.  The celebration only lasts for a month.

B.  It allows kids to learn from artists.

C. An extra fee is needed.

D.  Visitors should register for the workshops in advance.

22.  To attend Petite Picasso Classes, a non-member boy aged 4 and his mother should pay          .

A.  20 dollars                B. 100 dollars              C. 60 dollars            D. 40 dollars

23.  The Petite Picasso Classes on March 18 are about           .

A.  Recycled Art           B. Paper Sculptures     C. Spring Art Collage          D. St. Patrick’s Day Art

2. 详细信息

You might think the key to losing weight is to stay out of the kitchen—but maybe you just need to clean it. According to A new study, the amount of clutter and chaos in your kitchen—and your life—may directly influence the amount of food you eat.

The study, conducted by researchers at the Cornell Food and Brand Lab and published in the Environment and Behavior journal, evaluated 98 female participants as they sat in a kitchen with bowls of carrots and cookies to eat. Half of the subjects sat in a cluttered kitchen with dishes in the sink, newspapers on the table, and a nearby phone ringing off the hook, while the other half sat in a quiet, tidy kitchen.

The women who sat in the cluttered kitchen ate twice as many cookies as the women in the clean kitchen, amounting to 53 more calories consumed over a 10-minute period. There was no effect on the amount of carrots that the women ate. What’s more, the researchers found that when the women felt chaotic (混乱的), the effect was

magnified (放大).

Before they stepped into the messy kitchen, some of the women were asked to write about a time in their

lives when they felt totally out-of-control; others were asked to write about a time that they felt completely in-control. The women who wrote about feeling chaotic ate 100 more calories than those who wrote about feeling cool and collected.

“Being in a chaotic environment and feeling out of control is bad for diets,” explained lead author Lenny Vartanian, PhD, in a press release. “It seems to lead people to think, “Everything else is out of control, so why shouldn’t I be?”

Bottom line: If you want to lose weight, you need to get control of your kitchen or your mind. You could try meditating (冥想), yoga and exercise to help relieve stress and give yourself a better mindset when you walk into the kitchen. Or you could just do those dishes in the sink.

24.  What does the underlined word “cluttered” in paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.  quiet.         B. untidy.              C. neat.          D. high-tech.

25.  Compared to those in the clean kitchen, women in the messy kitchen             .

A.  ate more carrots                      B. ate fewer carrots

C. ate more cookies                     D. ate fewer cookies

26.  Why were some participants asked to write stories?

A.  To share with each other.         B. To test their writing skills.

C. To influence their emotions.     D. To keep them in order.

27.  In the last paragraph, readers are advised to clean their kitchens so that             .

A.  they will eat less                      B. they will feel relaxed

C. their food can be cleaner          D. their houses can look better

3. 详细信息

Two guys were taking Chemistry at the University of Mississippi. They did pretty well on all of the quizzes and the midterms and labs. These two friends were so confident going into the final exams that the weekend before finals week (even though the Chemistry final was on Monday), they decided to go up to the University of Tennessee and party with some friends.

They had a great time. However, with hangovers and everything, they overslept all day Sunday and didn’t make it back to Mississippi until Monday night. They went to see their professor the following day to explain why they missed the test.

They told him that they went up to the University of Tennessee for the weekend, and had planned to come back in time to study, but that they had a flat(漏了气的) tire(轮胎) on the way back, and didn’t have a spare(备胎), and couldn’t get help for a long time, so they were late getting back to campus. The professor thought this over

and told them they could make up the final on the following day. The two guys were relieved. They studied that night and went in the next day for the final.

The professor placed them in different rooms, and handed each of them a test paper and told them to begin. They looked at the first problem, which was worth five points. It was something simple about Molarity & Solutions.

“Cool,” they thought. “This is going to be easy” They did that problem and then turned the page. They were not prepared, however, for what they saw on this page. It said: (95 Points). Which tire?

28.  Why didn’t the two guys take their final exam?

A.  They were so confident that they didn’t have to take the test.

B.  They went to a party and didn’t review their lessons.

C.  They slept in and missed the final.

D.  Their car broke down and couldn’t come back in time.

29.  How did the professor respond when the two guys explained why they missed the exam?

A.  He was angry with them.                B. He was sorry for their loss.

C. He didn’t believe a word.                D. He gave them a second chance.

30.  Why does the question “Which tire” deserve 95 points?

A.  Because it is a real difficult question.

B.  Because it can test whether the two guys were lying.

C.  Because it is the last question on the paper.

D.  Because it remains a mystery in the field of chemistry.

31.  What can we probably learn from the passage?

A.  Be honest rather than clever.

B.  It's no use crying over spilt milk.

C.  Kind words are the music of the world.

D.  It’s never too late to learn.

4. 详细信息

I am reading a novel at the moment, a story set in Britain and India in the 19th century. It was written by an Indian author who now lives in Denmark, but neither in the language of Hindi nor Danish. Although the paperback (平装书) edition I’m holding was published in New Delhi, India, four years ago, I (an American) purchased it recently from a second-hand bookshop in Tokyo, Japan.

That’s quite a history already. But there’s more.

The novel is a tale of various mysteries, all expertly put into a well-structured story by a very skillful author.

Yet my particular copy presents even more mysteries than the tale.

One summer morning in the year of my paperback’s publication—on July 15, 2012—someone else was reading it while eating breakfast in a restaurant in Mumbai, India.

I know this because I found a receipt (收据) of coffee and bread inside. I also know that this person was not

the owner of paperback immediately before me.

In fact, the owner before me was not Indian at all, but Japanese.

I know this because in the book there are handwritten notes in Japanese—translations of English words with which the reader was unfamiliar.

Japanese being a language of characters, not letters, it is not easy to determine if the note writer was a man or a woman. But the care taken to write the translations neatly in the limited spaces available on each page bespeaks a woman’s hand.

So let us agree that it is a woman. What can we say of her? Well educated, clearly, and probably a university student, who would keep a dictionary at hand while reading a novel.

But why did she suddenly stop reading? The last translation in my paperback appears on Page 83, less than a third of the way through the novel. Did she give up because the book was proving too difficult? Or was there some other reason?

Many a novel presents mysteries, all of which are solved by the end of the tale. The mysteries presented by my little paperback, however, remain mysteries, all expertly put into a well-structured story, not by a skillful writer, but this time by the numberless vagaries (变幻莫测) of life itself.

32.  What can we learn about the novel?

A.  It is well written.

B.  It is about a world trip.

C.  It was written in an American restaurant.

D.  It was published in the 19th century.

33.  The author assumes the Japanese owner of the book was a woman based on           .

A.  the pretty handwriting

B.  the food written on the receipt

C.  the good condition of the book

D.  the carefulness taken in writing the notes

34.  Which of the following can best describe the author of this passage?

A.  He is a great reader of science fiction.

B.  He is a hard-working university student.

C.  He is a productive writer with emotion.

D.  He is a careful observer with imagination.

35.  What’s the best title for the text?

A.  The Tale of a Paperback

B.  Different Life Experiences

C.  Unsolved Mysteries of Life

D.  The Numberless Vagaries of Life

5. 详细信息

Get confident.

Do you hold your head high when you walk through the halls? Do you make eye contact, smile and say hi to people you don’t even know?                       36     

Show your style.

Stop following the fashion and start making it. There’s no law that says your hair, clothes and shoes have to be exactly the same as everyone else’s.                     37     

Show off.

No matter how great, talented or nice you are, nobody’s going to know that until you take the risk and step into the spotlight of public opinion. Use every opportunity to show your hidden talents.                  38     

Be you.

Stand up for what you believe.     39     Forget trying to make yourself into some unrealistic icon. Stick to your own interest and personality. They’re what makes you a popular individual. Accept and love yourself and others will, too.


No matter how socially successful you become or how many new friends you make, it’s the old friends who have been there all along that matter most. Be true to your friends and they’ll do the same for you.

A.  Treasure old friends.

B.  Make many good friends.

C.  Put on an air of friendliness and confidence.

D.  Since popularity is all about who knows you, why not actively get to know everybody?

E.  Why not throw a little individuality into your appearance?

F. Some people are born with certain skills that make them popular.

G.    Speak  up  in  class,  organize  an  animal  rights  protest,  and  defend  an  old  friend  when  others  start bad-mouthing him/ her….

6. 详细信息

A year ago I 61  (leave) the UK for the sunnier climate of Toulouse, France. Having just returned to England, I wanted to reflect on some of        62       best things about life in France.

      63       I loved most of all was the French style of dining. While UK       64       (family) often rush down a quick meal in the evening, the French know how to make an event of a meal, often  65  (make) their way leisurely (悠闲地) through three courses!

Another great thing I found in France was that tickets for places such as cinemas and museums were much

     66        (cheap) than in the UK. Public transport was also very cheap. I was able to have unlimited access

     67      buses, trains and trams for only 10/span>or £8 a month in Toulouse. A bargain!

Last but not least, the relaxing lifestyle there was undoubtedly  68    (wonder). Shorter working hours thanks to longer lunch breaks means that while people in the UK are rushing out 69 (buy) a quick meal at lunchtime, the French are sitting in cafes. The sunshine makes people eat outside more    70     (frequent), often with neighbours, and say out later at bars and restaurants.

7. 详细信息

Sometimes, it is the smallest acts of kindness that are the most memorable. It was several years ago that this particular event                     41   .

My children and I were almost finishing the       42        for Kathy’s birthday celebration. At one store we had

       43    a colorful balloon with Kathy’s   44  character on it. We had to make one more stop at another store    to                   45    our purchases. I sent my older daughter and her little brother out to our car      46           my other daughter, Kathy, and I were waiting at the cashier line. A very short time                                       47     ,     they     both     came running back into the store and were                             48      that Kathy’s birthday balloon had escaped. I was tired from

       49   , but I told them we would get Kathy another balloon, sending them back to the      50   . I paid for our

       51    all the while trying to think of the most       52    place to buy one.

As Kathy and I moved towards our car a lady with a kind face came up to us. Pressing some folded     53   in my hand, she                      54      that she had seen what had happened and did not want my children to be sad about the

       55    of the balloon. I thanked her for her    56    and attempted to give her the money back. She was most

       57   , saying “I love children and I like to see them be      58     .”

I was very        59   , not by the money, but by this lovely lady’s act of kindness and generosity. Her kindness made Kathy’s birthday even more                 60   . I truly believe that dear lady is one of God’s earthly angels.

41. A. existed                B. occurred                  C. mattered                   D. remained

42. A. preparations         B. explanations              C. conversations           D. considerations

43. A. booked                B. drawn                      C. left                          D. bought

44. A. typical                 B. beautiful                   C. favorite                    D. famous

45. A. compare              B. complete                  C. count                       D. find

46. A. though                B. if                             C. so                            D. while

47. A. later                    B. ago                          C. again                        D. long

48. A. angry                  B. excited                     C. upset                       D. bored

49. A. driving                B. working                   C. shopping                  D. talking

50. A. store                   B. memory                   C. freedom                   D. car

51. A. gifts                    B. purchases                 C. clothes                     D. balloons

52. A. convenient           B. comfortable              C. perfect                     D. familiar

53. A. pictures               B. money                      C. books                      D. shoes

54. A. explained             B. insisted                     C. admitted                   D. promised

55. A. risk                     B. sight                        C. thought                    D. loss

56. A. carefulness          B. patience                    C. usefulness                D. kindness

57. A. confident             B. troubled                    C. determined               D. satisfied

58. A. happy                 B. sad                          C. funny                       D. angry

59. A. puzzled               B. touched                    C. moving                    D. inspired

60. A. special                B. terrible                     C. expensive                 D. respectful

8. 详细信息


增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(, 并在其下面写出该加的词。


修改:在错的词下画划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。


When I went home yesterday evening, I saw a little cat standing on the middle of the road. It seemed very hungry and it was also in great dangers, because there were many cars, buses and trucks on the road. I felt very sadly and I asked my mother whether I could bring it home as soon as I arriving home. Although she was afraid that the cat was dirty, but she agreed. However, when I got out, the poor little thing were not there. I was told that it had taken home by the warm-hearted person. I breathe a sigh of relief. Animals are our good friends and we should care more about it.

9. 详细信息

假设李华校英演讲一篇稿点包括1.  你的个人优势;                2.  未来活动设想;   3.  希望当选。

注意:1. 字数 100 词左右     2.  可适当增加细节,使行文连贯

3. 开头和结尾已为你写好,但不计入总词数。

Good afternoon, dear friends! My name is Li Hua. I am honoured to have a chance to run for the president of the English Speech Association. ……                           Thank you.