
1. 详细信息

Most people say “yes” much more readily than “no”.
   A friend is moving house this weekend and would like some help, and you agree. But, what you really wanted was a couple of quiet days relaxing at home. Or a roommate spends the entire weekends playing video games and wants to borrow your homework for “reference”. But, you’ve just finished it after taking a whole day to work hard.
   Many people say “yes” to these kinds of requests. They tend not to consider their own interests and feelings, and are often angry with themselves afterwards.
   Saying “no” requires courage and considerable practice, in fact, according to psychologists.
“Everyone wants to be liked,” says Gabriele Steinki, a German psychologist. “Saying ‘no’ risks losing the affection of the person asking the favor or even a job.”
   The result is that many people say “yes” just for keeping the peace. But experts say this is regrettable. Anyone should have the right to say “no”.
   In fact, rejecting a request can even help to strengthen a relationship because it expresses a true feeling.
   But, for people used to agreeing to every request, changing can be a long and uncomfortable learning process.
   Most people believe that “If I say ‘no’, I'll lose the affection of the person. But the affection is important to me.” This way of thinking can be replaced by this: “If he only likes me because I always do what suits him , then the price of his affection is too high in the long term.”
   Steinki says the key is talking to the other person to find a mutual (
相互的) solution. “One

heeds(注意) to present the situation from one’s own point of view, and to suggest how the situation can be dealt with to the advantage of both parties. The other person must have the feeling that his interests are being considered.”

 When the refusal is not accepted, Steinki advises giving the reasons calmly again until the person gets the message.

 1.Most people say “yes” much more readily than “no” because ________.

  A. they don’t care about their own interests and feelings

  B. they care more about others’ affection

  C. they have already been used to saying “yes”

  D. they don’t know they will regret afterwards

2.In the opinion of experts, _________ .

  A. saying “no” means losing a job

  B. people should say “yes” to keep the peace

  C. people need a lot of practice to say “no”

  D. people have the right to be liked

3.According to the writer, what should you do if you want to refuse the other person’s request?

  A. Just say you can’t help him.

  B. Talk to the other person to find a mutual way.

  C. Refuse him clearly.

  D. Say sorry to him.

4.According to the writer, what should you do if your refusal is not accepted?

   A. Say yes to him.

   B. Say no to him

   C. Just go away

   D. Repeat your reason for his acceptance

5.What is the best title of the passage?
  A. Anyone Has The Right To Say “No”

  B. “Yes” More Than “No”
  C. You Need Courage To Say “No”
  D. It’s Hard To Say “No”

2. 详细信息

Many people turn to doctors or self-help books, but they ignore a powerful thing that could help them fight illness: their friends.
   Researchers are only now starting to pay attention to the importance of friendship in health. A 10-year Australian study found that old People with a large circle of friends. A large 2007 study showed an increase of nearly 60 percent in the risk    for obesity
(肥胖) among people whose friends gained weight. And last year, Harvard researchers reported that strong social ties(关系)could improve brain health as we age.
   “In general, the role of friendship in our lives isn’t well realized,” said Rebecca, a professor at the University of North Carolina. “Friendship has a bigger effect on our psychological 
(心理的) health than family relationships. ”
   While many friendship studies are about the close relationships of women, some research shows that it can do good to men too. In a six-year study of 736 middle-aged men, having friendships reduces the risk of heart attack. Only smoking was as important a risk factor
(因素) as having little social support.
   Exactly why friendship has such a big effect isn’t entirely clear. While friends can send a sick person to the hospital or pick up medicine, the advantages go well beyond physical help.                                                 

Friendship clearly has a big psychological effect. “People with stronger friendships feel like there is someone they can turn to,” said Karen, a doctor. “The message of these studies is that friends make your life better. ”
6.The three studies in paragraph2 show that              .

  A. social ties are connected to health.

  B. friends can help us lose weight.

  C. old people need friends the most.

  D. more friends make us healthier.

7.What do underlined sentences in paragraph3 mean?

  A. Friendship is more important to women than to men.

  B. The value of friendship hasn’t been fully understood.

  C. Friendship is more important than family relationship

  D. What people need most is a friend’s care.

8.The author mentioned smoking in the text to discuss              .

  A. the cause of heart attack.

  B. friends’ influence on habits.

  C. smoking is bad for men.

  D. the risk of having no friends.

3. 详细信息

A new word has suddenly become wildly popular in China —"tuhao" — which loosely translated means "nouveau riche". There have been more than 100 million references to the word "tuhao" on social media since early September.
   It's being used to describe everything from the new People's Daily building, to expensive celebrity weddings full of bling(
锦衣珠宝), and the new gold-colored iPhone.
   In Chinese "tu" means earth and "hao" means rich. To say someone is tuhao is to imply they come from a poor peasant background, and have made it rich quick — but don't quite have the manners, or sophistication to go along with it. It's like the term "nouveau riche", says Professor Steve Tsang at the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies in Nottingham - but has even more negative meanings, suggesting a certain vulgarity(
   "Tuhao" is actually an old word, dating back perhaps as far as the Southern Dynasty 1,500 years ago,but it has always meant something rather different. During the communist revolution, from the 1920s to early 1950s, it was widely used to refer to landholders and gentry who would bully those beneath them.
   This new usage of the term took off in September after a widely-shared joke about a rich, but unhappy man, who goes to a Buddhist monk for advice, expecting to be told to live a more simple life. The monk replies instead with the phrase: "Tuhao, let's be friends!"
   Chinese Internet users are highly creative in their use of language, and are constantly inventing, and re-inventing words as a way of getting past censorship(
审查) rules. But in this case, its popularity seems to be down to the fact that it expresses China's changing society so well — many people sneer(嘲笑) at those with wealth, but are secretly jealous.
9. What is the best title of the passage?

  A. Tuhao, a new popular word in China

  B. The long history of Tuhao

  C. The new usage of Tuhao

  D. Tuhao, a newly-invented Chinese word

10.Which of the following may NOT be considered “tuhao”?

  A. A vulgar nouveau riche

  B. A Buddhist monk

  C. A quick-rich peasant without proper manners

  D. A bully landholder

11.The last but one paragraph mainly tells us ______.

  A. what the new usage of the word is.

  B. what advice the monk gave the unhappy man.

  C. why the unhappy man went to the Buddhist monk.

  D. how the word becomes popular again.

4. 详细信息

   Most people today think of chocolate as something sweet to eat or drink and can be easily found in stores around the world. It might surprise you that chocolate was once highly treasured.
   The wealthy people of Spain first enjoyed a sweetened chocolate drink. Later, the popularity of the drink spread throughout Europe. Chocolate remained a drink that only wealthy people could afford to drink until the eighteenth century. During the period known as the Industrial Revolution, new technologies helped make chocolate less costly to produce.
   Farmers grow cacao trees in many countries in Africa, Central and South America, but these trees are difficult to grow. They require an exact amount of water, warmth, soil and protection. After about five years, cacao trees start producing large fruits called pods, which grow near the trunk of the tree. The seeds inside these pods are harvested to make chocolate. Growing cacao is very hard work for farmers. Today, chocolate industry officials, activists, and scientists are working with farmers. They are trying to make sure that cacao can be grown in a way that is easy for the farmers and safe for the environment.
   The market value of the yearly cacao crop around the world is more than five billion dollars.Chocolate is especially popular in Europe and the United States. Each year, Americans eat an average of more than 5 kilograms of chocolate per person. Specialty shops that sell costly chocolate are also very popular. Many offer chocolate lovers the chance to taste chocolate grown in different areas of the world.
12.We can learn from the passage that chocolate was ______.

  A. served with a drink in old times

  B. bought easily in stores in old times

  C. a drink enjoyed by the rich in old times

  D. popular with people around the world

13.What made it possible to produce chocolate inexpensively?

  A. New technologies.

B. Official aid.

  C. A warm climate.

D. Scientific protection.

14.What should ideal cacao farming be like

  A. Simple and time-saving.

  B. Easy and environment-friendly.

  C. Easy and labour-saving.

  D. Safe and labour-saving.

15.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A. Scientists are trying to help people find various cacaos.

  B. The chocolate industry is developing rapidly only in European countries.

  C. People in America love to produce dear chocolate.

  D. Chocolate making is probably a big business internationally.

5. 详细信息

If something that you’re doing doesn’t challenge you, then it doesn’t change you. We all need some normal stress in our lives, after all.  16  So challenge the following limits:
1.Figure out what you’re scared of and do it continuously.
   If you’re a salesman, and you’re scared of talking to people personally or over the phone, now, instead of being scared and thinking you’ll fail, spend at least five minutes a day to pick up the phone and make a call.  17  But don’t stop on the first try! Eventually, you can look at fear in the eyes and say, “Go on, I’m not scared!”
2.  18 

Make sure this hobby is not linked to your career; you have to relax and relieve your stress while performing this. Some examples might be cooking, sewing, painting and so on. Apart from helping you challenge yourself, taking a class for your hobby may also give you extra income.
3.Set aside at least nine minutes a day for physical exercise.
    19   A simple 9-minute run around your neighborhood can do wonders for yourself. Exercise can not only help you maintain your regular weight, but also make you feel better about yourself.
4.Travel and allow yourself to be interested in new people.
   Don’t just limit yourself to your fellow travelers
try to connect with the service staff. You never know what kind of people they’re going to be. Get out of your house or go online right now to book your class.  20 

  A. You should do it continuously.

  B. You don’t need to go to the gym.

  C. Someone may hang up on you.

  D. Running in the gym may be a better choice.

  E. Start to travel now and learn to challenge yourself.
  F. You can never see any improvement if you stick to your comfort zone.

  G. Take a class for a hobby you’ve been waiting to develop.

6. 详细信息

A motto is a sentence or a phrase   41   can inspire us especially when we are   42   (face) with difficulties. Many of us have our mottoes, such as “Where there is a will, there is a way.” Or “Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.”, and so on. My motto is “God helps those who help      43   .” Sometimes I am lazy and don’t want to make efforts   44   ( work) hard,   45    the moment I think of my motto I will get energetic again and devote myself   46   what I am doing. I write my motto   47   I can see it easily. Every time I fail in my exam and begin to lose heart, the sight of my motto inspires me with much   48   (confident). My motto also makes me become   49   independent person. That is to say, I won’t rely on others easily.

My friends, what is your motto? If you still haven’t got a motto, please choose   50   because a motto can have a great effect on you.

7. 详细信息

 “Everything happens for the best”, my mother said whenever I faced disappointment. “If you  21  on, something good will happen some day.”

   Mother was right, as I  22  after graduating from college. I had designed myself for a  23  announcer. So I went to Chicago to knock on the door of every station and was  24  every time. In one station, a kind lady told me that   25  stations wouldn’t employ a person without   26  since I had just graduated. “Go out in the town and find a small station that might give you a chance,” she said.

   I returned to Dixon,   27  I had finished my high school education and had   28  in the school football team. My father said that our town had built a store and wanted a man to   29  its sports department. The job sounded just 30   for me, but I wasn’t employed.

   My disappointment had shown as if   31  “Everything happens for the best.” Mom reminded me. Dad 32   me his car to look for a job. I tried WOC Radio Davenport. The program director told me  33  had already employed an announcer.  34  I left his office, I asked myself aloud, “ 35  can a fellow get to be a sports announcer if  36  can’t get a job in a radio station?” Suddenly, I heard the director  37  , “Do you know anything about football?” Then he asked me to  38  an imaginary game. It was easy, and I did it without difficulty. The director was  39  and told me I would be broadcasting a game on the  40  Sunday.

21. A. put                  B. carry               C. move                D. take

22. A. recovered            B. developed             C. recognized                D. discovered

23. A. sports                  B. news               C. radio                  D. TV

24. A. refused                  B. promised            C. invited                D. accepted

25. A. no                    B. all                  C. large                D. small

26. A. agreement                  B. exams               C. experience                D. technology

27. A. which                   B. here                 C. there                        D. where

28. A. taken                         B. joined               C. played                      D. fought

29. A. own                    B. manage              C. report                D. enter

30. A. right                   B. successful           C. possible             D. important

31. A. expected                 B. by accident          C. by design                 D. supposed

32. A. borrowed               B. sold                 C. bought                D. lent

33. A. he                      B. she                 C. we                   D. they

34. A. While                   B. So               C. Before                D. After

35. A. What                   B. Wherever                 C. Whenever                 D. How

36. A. he                     B. me                C. it                      D. I

37. A. broadcasting          B. answering           C. calling                 D. announcing

38. A. broadcast             B. act                 C. make                   D. play

39. A. moved                  B. satisfied                    C. thankful                   D. sorry

40. A. future                  B. coming                     C. last                   D. later

8. 详细信息





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

      2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

   New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day is not given the same kind of important in Western countries such as Australia, Canada, England and the USA. In New Year’s Eve, Christian people may have a party to send off the old year and welcoming the coming year. This may be a party with friend with the family at home and in a public place. New Year’s Day may be a public holiday and on the next day most people go back to the work.For Christians, the Christmas celebration is more similarly to Chinese New Year. It’s the time for the family get together, have special meals, exchange presents and spend some time together. 

9. 详细信息

参考词汇:disagree with……有分歧
A friend in need is a friend indeed