
1. 详细信息

What should we do now, Mr. Clark?

Please turn to Page _____ and look at the _____ picture.

A. Twelve; fifth     B. Twelfth; fifth      C. Twelve; five     D. Twelfth; five

2. 详细信息

Mothers Day is on the ___________ Sunday in May every year.

A. two          B. second       C. six         D. sixth

3. 详细信息

We planted          trees last year.

A. hundreds of       B. hundred of     

C. five hundreds      D. five hundred of

4. 详细信息

Excuse me, sir. Heres a package for Lin Tao. Which room does he live in?


 A. 308 Room     B. Room 308      C. The Room 308    D.  The 308 Room

5. 详细信息

To finish the task, were tried three times, and after dinner well try _____ time.

    A. the fourth     B. a fourth    C. fourth      D. four

6. 详细信息

 Its said that ______ of the water around the world ______ polluted.

A. two third; has B. two thirds; have    

C. two third; are     D. two thirds; is

7. 详细信息

     of our classmates are good at basketball.

A. Three quarters         B. Three fourth           C. third four

8. 详细信息

The earthquake in Yaan left _______people homeless.

A. two thousands  B. thousands of  

C. two thousands of   D. two thousand of

9. 详细信息

Amy will have her       birthday next Friday.

A. twelve      B. twelfth            C. the twelfth

10. 详细信息

My mother bought me a sweater for my ________ birthday.

A. twelfth         B. twelve          C. the twelfth

11. 详细信息

There are ______ people in the zoo on Childrens Day.

   A. one hundreds   B. two hundreds of 

C. hundreds of    D. hundred of

12. 详细信息

Boys and girlsplease turn to Page         and look at the         picture

        AFifthfive       BFivefive

        CFifthfifth       DFivefifth

13. 详细信息

Kate is a schoolgirlShe got many presents on her         birthday

        Anine      Bthe ninth      Cninetieth       Dninth

14. 详细信息

Its reported that over eight         people lost their lives in the earthquake in Nepal this year

        Athousand          Bthousands

        Cthousand of        Dthousands of

15. 详细信息

December is         and last month of a year

        Athe twelfth       Btwelfth        Cthe twelve

16. 详细信息

Tony's mum looks young and beautifulIts hard to imagine she is already in her       

        Afifties      Bfifty      Cfiftieths      D.fiftieth

17. 详细信息

How many friends will come to your birthday party?


        Afifteenfifteen        Bfifteenthfifteenth

        Cfifteenfifteenth       Dfifteenthfifteen

18. 详细信息

The teacher was very angry because the boy made         mistakes in his homework

        Aone       Bfifth       Cfive

19. 详细信息

This is the         time that I come to ParisI have been here twice

Me tooThe world is so large that I want to see more of it

        Afirst       Bsecond      Cthird

20. 详细信息

         of the land in that district is covered with trees and grass

        AFifth-two          BTwo-fifth

        CFifth-second        DTwo-fifths

21. 详细信息

Last yearthree hundred English teachers took part in the         English training

         Atwo-month        Btwo-months

         Ctwo-months       Dtwo-month

22. 详细信息

What 's five and seven?  It 's       

         Atwelve      Btwenty      Cthirty-five

23. 详细信息

How many American students came to visit your school yesterday?

NineFive are from New Yorkand the other         are from Boston

         Atwo      Bthree      Cfour      Dfive

24. 详细信息

         of the girls will join in the Summer Camp to visit England

         AThree-fives     BThird-fifths      CThree-fifths

25. 详细信息

 During the May Day holidaywe stayed in a mountain village with         trees around

         Athousand of        Bthousand

         Cthousands          Dthousands of

26. 详细信息

It is said that         students like to talk with friends online

         Atwo-thirds      Btwo-three      Ctwo-third

27. 详细信息

 Two         students         to the opening ceremony last Friday

         Ahundredswere invited

         Bhundredwere invited

         Chundreds ofinvited

         Dhundred ofinvited

28. 详细信息

Rose received a letter full of love from her parents on her         birthday        

Asixteen      Bsixteen 's     Csixteenth      Dsixteenths

29. 详细信息

          people died because of the earthquake

         ATwo thousands         BThousand of

         CTwo thousands of       DThousands of

30. 详细信息

No way! I dont think         should be allowed to driveI am worried about your safety

      A.fifteen years old   B.fifteen-year-olds     Cfifteen-year-old

31. 详细信息

Welcome to Los Angeles.  Have you ever been here?

Sure. I visited this city three years ago so this is my          time here.

      A. first        B. second        C. third          D. fourth

32. 详细信息

How many hours do you sleep every night?

About          hours.  From 9 ; 00 p. m.  to 6 : 00 a. m.

       A. nine        B. nineteen         C. ninth           D. ninety

33. 详细信息

Have you heard of  TFBOYS?

Certainly. About          teenagers love them very much in our school.

A. hundreds                          B. two hundreds of

C. two hundreds                       D. two hundred

34. 详细信息

He has failed          times, but he won't give up a          chance.

       A. third; four        B. three; fourth     C. third; fourth

35. 详细信息

There are          months in a year. December is the          month of a year.

       A. twelve; twelve                      B. twelfth; twelfth

       C. twelve; twelfth                      D. twelfth; twelve

36. 详细信息

If your parents wanted to have a          child, would you agree?

Of course. But they should make it in          years' time.

       A. second; second                      B. two; two

       C. second; two                         D. two; second

37. 详细信息

Please turn to page          and take a look at the picture on it.

       A. the eightieth                         B. eightieth

       C. eighties                             D. eighty

38. 详细信息

He climbed so fast that he reached          floor in two minutes.

       A. nine        B. the nine          C. the ninth        D. ninth

39. 详细信息

How many friends will come to your          birthday party?

       About          .

       A. twelve; twelfth     B. twelveth; twelve   C. twelfth; twelve

40. 详细信息

The workers will complete the new bridge in          .

        A. two and a half months

        B. two months and half

        C. two and a half month

41. 详细信息

Meimei is going to be an older sister. Her parents are planning to have their         


A. one          B. two            C. first          D. second

42. 详细信息

Hi, Andy! There are        floors in this building.  Which floor do you live on?

I live on the          floor.

        A. thirty; twenty-second

        B. thirty; twenty-two

        C. thirtieth; twenty-two

43. 详细信息

         Kobe's fans watched his final match and          of them were men.

    A. Million of; three fourths           B. Three millions; third four

    C. Millions of; three fourths          D. Three million; third fours

44. 详细信息

 July 1st of this year is the          birthday of the CPC(中国共.产.党).

A. ninety-five                           B. ninetieth-fifth

C. ninetieth-five                         D. ninety-fifth

45. 详细信息

A recent survey shows that 35  out of  45 students in my class will save their phones first in a fire.

About          of the students made such a choice? Life is far more important, isn't it?

  A. half            B. one third           C. two thirds      D. three quarters

46. 详细信息

What do you think of the environment here?

Wonderful !          of the land          covered with trees and grass.

        A. Two fifths; is                         B. Two fifth; is

        C. Two fifths; are                        D. Two fifth: are

47. 详细信息

This tall building has _______ floors. And Tony lives on the _______ floor.

    A. twelve; twelve           B. twelfth; twelfth

    C. twelfth; twelve          D. twelve; twelfth

48. 详细信息

- Hurry up! It's _______. We're asked to finish it by 5 o'clock.

- You mean we've only got 20 minutes left.

    A 5:20     B. 4:20         C. 4:40         D. 5:40

49. 详细信息

 Excuse me, sir. Here's a package for Lin Tao. Which room does he live in?

- _______.

    A. 308 Room            B. Room 308

    C. The Room 308        D. The 308 Room

50. 详细信息

 Kate is _______ girl. She's very happy at school.

    A. a eighteen-year-old

    B. an eighteen-year-old

    C. an eighteen-years-old

    D. a eighteen-years-old

51. 详细信息

- Mother's Day is celebrated across the world on the _______ Sunday in May.

- That's right.  People show their love for their mothers by giving some presents.

    A first         B. second   C. third   D. last

52. 详细信息

Unit _______ is easy but _______ unit is difficult.

    A. Sixth; seven        B. Six; seven

    C. Sixth; the seventh       D. Six; the seventh

53. 详细信息

- _______ of volunteers will be needed for 2014 International Horticulture Exposition in Qingdao.

- Let's go and _______ them

    A Thousands; join

    B. Thousand; be a member of

    C. Three thousand; take part in

    D. Thousands; be in .

54. 详细信息

There are seven days in a week and Monday is_______ day of the week.

    A the second                B. first

    C. the third                D. second

55. 详细信息

 They are the students of _______.

    A. grade 7              B Grade 7

    C. 7th grade                D. Grade 7th

56. 详细信息

_______ of our classmates are good at basketball.

    A. Three quarters       B. Three fourth    C. Third four

57. 详细信息

Last year, I visited a chemical factory in Baise.There are about ________ workers in it.

    A.six thousands    

    B.six thousand     

    C.six thousands of    

    D.six thousand of

58. 详细信息

Football is so exciting that ________ people in the world play it.

    A.million of               B.millions of  

    C.two millions of         D.two million of

59. 详细信息

Now it's ________.The show is about to start.

  A.forty to five    

B.fourteen to five


D.two quarters past five

60. 详细信息

Tomorrow is the boy's ________ birthday.

A.tenth          B.thirteen

  C.ten            D.the thirteenth

61. 详细信息

Nowadays ________ of business letters are written in English.

A.two third  B.two thirds 

  C.two three    D.second three

62. 详细信息

Which is the biggest number of the four?


    A.One ­third    B.Two ­thirds    C.A half      D.A quarter

63. 详细信息

September is ________ month of the year.

A.ninth          B.nine           C.the nine        D.the ninth

64. 详细信息

He became a famous writer all over the world.At that time he was only in ________.

     A.his 20's        B.the 20's

  C.his twenties    D.the twenties

65. 详细信息

There are 60 students in my class and 44 of them use micro blog (微博) very often.

That means about ________ of your classmates are micro blog users, right?

    A.half               B.one third 

   C.two thirds       D.three quarters

66. 详细信息

My father will have a ________ holiday next month.He'll take me to Qingdao.

A.ten days   B.ten day's    C.ten ­day     D.ten days'

67. 详细信息

Can you imagine what life will be like in ________ time?

A.20 years'        B.20 year's        

  C.20­years'         D.20­years

68. 详细信息

Although I have failed four times, my father encouraged me to have ________ try.

A.a fifth     B.a five   C.the five    D.the fifth

69. 详细信息

The Sutong Highway Bridge, a ________ bridge, is already open to traffic.

    A.32 kilometre long               B.32­kilometre­long

  C.32 kilometres long                D.32­kilometres­long

70. 详细信息

What are we going to learn?


 A.8 Lesson    B.the 8 Lesson

  C.Lesson 8    D.the Lesson 8

71. 详细信息

How often do you practice the piano?   ________ a week.

 A.Two   B.Twice   C.Second   D.The second

72. 详细信息

Time is not enough for so much work.________ people are needed, I think.

 A.Other two   B.Only two 

  C.Two more   D.Two others

73. 详细信息

When is Children's Day?

It's ________.

A.June 1th       B.One June     C.the June first    D.June 1st

74. 详细信息

This new kind of material is ________ lighter than the old one.

  A.three times    B.third time 

  C.three time     D.third times

75. 详细信息

The old man went to college at the age of ________.

   A.sixty                B.sixties 

   C.sixty years old   D.sixtieth

76. 详细信息

How deep is the hole?

It is ________.

    A.four meter deep   

    B.four meters deep  

    C.four­meter deep    


77. 详细信息

When is Teachers Day in China?

Its on the ______ day of September.

   A. ninth       B. tenth         C. eleventh        D. twelfth

78. 详细信息

More than two _____ trees are planted in our neighborhood  

 every year
hundred     Bhundreds   Chundreds of    Dhundred of

79. 详细信息

There are          tourists visiting the island on May Day 

   every year
two thousands of          Btwo thousands

   Cthousands of              Dthousand of

80. 详细信息

What do you think of the environment here?
Wonderful!       of the land        covered with trees and   grass
Two fifths; is            BTwo fifth; is
Two fifths; are           DTwo fifth; are

81. 详细信息

Jack____of the oranges_____gone bad
Wed better eat up the rest as soon as possible
one fifthhave           Bone fifthhas
one fifthshave           Dfirst fivehas

82. 详细信息

A recent survey shows that 35 out of 45 students in my class will save their phones first in a fire
About _______ of the students made such a choice?Life is far more importantisnt it?
half       Bone third    Ctwo thirds  Dthree quarters

83. 详细信息

       of the students in Class 6 have lunch at school
Two fifth      BOne thirds   CThree fifth  DThree quarters

84. 详细信息

About ______ of the land ______ covered with trees and grass
three fifths is                 Bthree fifths are
three fifth are                 D. three fifth ;    is

85. 详细信息

The __________ Brazils Olympic games will be held on August 5
_________exciting news for the long summer vacation!
thirty-one How a              Bthirty-first What
thirty-first What an          Dthirty-one How

86. 详细信息

December is the          month of the year
twelve       Btwelveth      Ctwelfth      D. the twelve

87. 详细信息

Meimei is going to be an older sisterHer parents are  planning to have their ________ child.(  )
one         Btwo          Cfirst         D.second

88. 详细信息

He has failed        timesbut he wont give up   

   a          chance
third; four        Bthree; fourth    

   Cthird; fourth      D. three ; four

89. 详细信息

Where were you bornMichael?

I was born in a small village with only three _______ people

A.hundred     Bhundreds        Chundreds of    D. hundred of

90. 详细信息

How many hours do you sleep every night?
About           hoursFrom 900 pm to 600 am
nine      Bnineteen   Cninth    Dninety

91. 详细信息

The workers will complete the new bridge in _______
two and a half months      Btwo months and half
two and a half month       D. two and half month

92. 详细信息

Jack____of the oranges_____ gone bad

--We'd better eat up the rest as soon as possible

       Aone fifthhave             Bone fifthhas

       Cone fifthshave            Dfirst fivehas

93. 详细信息

Unluckily _________people were killed in the earthquake

       Atwo thousands              Bthousand of

       Ctwo thousands of           Dthousands of

94. 详细信息

If your parents wanted to have a _____ child, would  you agree?

Of course. But they should make it in ______ years time.

     A. second; second            Btwo; two  

     C. second; two                D. two; second

95. 详细信息

The 15th Chinese Bridge-Chinese Proficiency Competition will be held this year

That's great_______ foreign college students are interested in Chinese learning

      AHundred of               BThousands

      CHundred                  DThousands of

96. 详细信息

He climbed so fast that he reached          floor in two  

nine         Bthe nine     Cthe ninth     Dninth

97. 详细信息

Today is Tony's birthday. It's his _______ birthday.

  A. 11            B. 11st            C. 11th

98. 详细信息

The earthquake in Ya'an left _______ people homeless.

    A two thousands             B. thousands of

    C. two thousands of         D. two thousand of

99. 详细信息

It is the boy's _______ birthday today.  He is five years old now.

    A fifteen               B fifth            C. five

100. 详细信息

- How many teachers are there in your school?

- About four _______.

    A. hundreds of          B. hundred              C. hundreds'