
51. I am quite willing to accept the______________(后果) 52..The price __________(范围) is from $100 to $500. 53. He has made ___________(不断的) progress with the help of the teacher. 54. He ____________(主张) building more schools. 55. She felt____________(有精神的) after her sleep. 56. The invention of paper was a great ________________(贡献) to human civilization. 57. Mr. Li _______________(任命) him (to be) monitor. 58.. His story was an ____________(绝对的) lie. 59. He was __________(颤抖) with anger. 60. I ___________(保证) you’ll love this film. 61.. Le16.下列说法正确的有(  )A.氡的半衰期为3.8天,1克氡经过7.6天后还剩0.25克氡未衰变B.原子核内的中子转化成一个质子和一个电子,这种转化产生的电子发射到核外,就是β粒子,这就是β衰变的实质C.某种材料的逸出功是W,则它的极限频率为γ0=$\frac{W}{h}$D.只要有核反应发生,就一定会释放出核能E.一个处于n=3能级的氢原子自发跃迁时,能发出3种频率的光子
英语 试题推荐