
8.依次填入下列横线处的句子,排列顺序恰当的一组是 (      )   《春水晴峦》是一幅山水画:________,________,________,________。画家笔下的朦胧意境,映照出实实在在的心情文章。  ①山坡上舒展着绿色苔草      ②山脊在平远中突兀矗立  ③船帆在江河上影影点点      ④石间水口涌动着汩汩清泉   A.①④②③    B.④③②①        C.③①②④    D.②①④③  The director of this organization must know ________. [  ] A.money management, selling, and able to satisfy the stockholders B.how to manage money, selling the product, and be able to satisfy stockholders C.how to manage money, sell his product, and satisfy the stockholders D.money management, selling, the idea of being able to satisfy the stockholders
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