
Computer games are popular all around the world. Many people   41    these games on the Internet. Games look more and more   42    as computer technology improves. Many people describe playing computer games as   43    a new world. Some games let people  44    their own cities. Some games take people on journeys. Other games allow people to take over the Internet. Games can   45    many positive effects. It can make help people make friends, learn to solve problems and make decisions. It can   46    help improve eye and hand movement. However, gaming can 依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是 ①胡适无疑是第一“白话诗人”。他的《尝试集》充满了矛盾,显示出从传统诗词中脱胎、蜕变,________寻找、试验新诗形态的艰难过程。 ②3月25日,欧盟贸易总干事奥沙利文在接受中国记者的采访时表示,中国应该能够帮助世界________金融危机,这是全球共同的利益。 ③中国队在旅行途中与宿敌韩国队________,且在抵达多哈时,两队还为进驻酒店展开了一场激烈“角逐”。 [  ] A. 逐渐  渡过  不期而遇 B. 逐步  渡过  不期而遇 C. 逐步  度过  不期而至 D. 逐渐  度过  不期而至
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