
Harrison School Spring Fundraisers From the first graders’day at the zoo to the fifth graders’ tour of the downtown art museum, Harrison students look forward to spring field trips each year. Help make these exciting experiences possible by taking part in these school fundraisers. Share a Harrison Hunger-Buster What is your favorite food? Maybe it’s your mother’s chocolate chip cookies or your uncle’s famous toast. Share your recipe with the students, teachers, and parents in the Harrison community. •Ask relatives and friends for a recipe for the school cookbook, Harrison Hun五一放假期间,全国高速公路免费通行,小轿车可以不停车通过收费站,但要求小轿车通过收费站窗口前x0=9m区间的速度不超过v0=6m/s。现有甲、乙两小轿车在收费站前平直公路上分别以v甲=20m/s和v乙=34m/s的速度匀速行驶,甲车在前,乙车在后。甲车司机发现正前方收费站,开始以大小为a甲=2m/s2的加速度匀减速刹车。(1)甲车司机需在离收费站窗口至少多远处开始刹车才不违章;(2)若甲车司机经刹车到达离收费站窗口前9m处的速度恰好为6m/s,乙车司机在发现甲车刹车时经t0=0.5s的反应时间后开始以大小为a乙=4m/s2的加速度匀减速刹车。为避免两车相撞,且乙车在收费站窗口前9m区不超速,则在甲车司机开始刹车时,甲、乙两车至少相距多远?
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