
When a friend comes to you after a stressful day, how do you comfort them? Do you let them complain? Do you pour them a glass of wine? Those could work. But a new study finds that a very effective technique is also simple and easy — hugging. Michael Murphy is a psychology expert at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. He wanted to know if people who received hugs regularly could handle stress and conflict belief. Individuals who report perceiving the availability of a network of supportive individuals lead to show better adaptation when faced with stress. But your just having a酸、碱、盐在工农业生产和日常生活中具有广泛的应用.下列说法不合理的是(  )   A. 生活中用食盐腌制咸菜 B. 用稀盐酸除去钢铁表面的铁锈   C. 用澄清石灰水检验CO2气体 D. 重金属盐广泛用作食品添加剂
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