
       Dyslexia is a problem that restricts the ability to recognize words and connect sounds with letters when people read. People with this learning disorder may also have problems when they write. Dyslexia is not related to eyesight or intelligence. The problem involves areas of the brain that process language. Brain scientists are studying whether they can predict which young children may struggle with reading to provide them with early help. John Gabrieli at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is leading the study of five-year-old in about twenty schools in the Boston 孟德尔成功的经验中,严密的假说和演绎非常重要,下列说法错误的是(  ) A、遗传性状是由遗传因子控制的B、控制性状的遗传因子是成对存在的C、在子一代中两个遗传因子可以相互作用D、子一代形成配子时,这对遗传因子相互分开,随配子独立遗传给后代
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