
(20分)阅读材料并结合所学知识,完成下列各题。 材料一  1851年英国举办“万国工业博览会”,有10个国家接受邀请,此为世界博览会的开始,后来逐步发展成为世界性盛会。为了显示国力,英国政府耗用4000多吨铁和400吨玻璃,建造了一座长逾1800英尺、高逾100英尺的“水晶宫”。此次博览会令人瞩目的展品当属引擎、印刷机和纺织机械等产品。在19世纪,原材料、机械、工业制品及雕塑作品成为世博会的主要展品,蒸汽机、混凝土、铝制品、橡胶完成句子(共20分) 1.There are all kinds of wild plants here. Can you ____ (把它们分类吗?) 2. They usually _______(演两场)a day. 3. Do you pay by credit card or ______(用现金). 4. An umbrella is used to _____ people ____ rain. (防雨) 5. The film had quite _____ her(对她影响大). 6. I suddenly felt we _____(有很多共同之处). 7.These books were left ______ (归你管). 8. She bought a painting ______ (有……风格的)Picasso. 9. He smiled _____(轻松地). 10. _____(在老师的帮助下),we have overcome many difficulties.
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