
The proper ways to save the drowning (溺水)student. Dos•Shout loudly and ask adults for help. At the same time,dial 110. •Find the objects which can float such as wood and bags filled with empty plastic bottles and throw them to him or her. •Look for branches and bamboo poles and reach for him or her,but lower the body to make sure not to be pulled into the water. Don'ts•Don't jump into the water for rescue(营救). •Don't try to save him or her hand in hand. The time during which the drowning often happens•After school in the afternoon. •On weeken一定条件下发生如图所示的转化关系,其中A、B、C为中学化学中常见元素的化合物,甲、乙、丙均为单质.(1)若A是CO2,甲能在A中剧烈燃烧①化合物B的电子式为 ,单质丙分子式 ;②现有下列药品和制气装置:实验药品:a.氯酸钾 b.大理石c.过氧化钠 d.二氧化锰 e.甲酸 f.浓硫酸 g.稀硫酸 h.浓硝酸  i.双氧水  j蒸馏水选择上述所给的一些药品,既可以制取CO2,又可以制取气体丙,制取CO2应选用的药品是 ,制取气体丙的化学反应方程式 (2)若A、B、C均为溶液,单质乙在常温下为液态,反应均在溶液中进行,写出A与甲按物质的量之比为1:1发生反应的离子方程式 .
英语 试题推荐