
1964年10月17日《光明日报》社论指出:“中国发展核武器,不是由于中国相信核武器的万能,要使用核武器。恰恰相反,中国发展核武器,正是为了打破核大国的核垄断,要消灭核武器。”该社论评述的是中国( ) A.第一颗原子弹爆炸成功                B.第一颗氢弹爆炸成功 C.神舟一号无人飞船升空                D.第一颗人造卫星发射In the past, when people had problems, they went to their families or friends to get advice.Today it is possible to get advice from radio shows, TV programmes and telephone hot lines, too. A hot line is a telephone line that offers a direct way of getting in touch with advisers .Most hot lines are completely anonymous ,that is to say , callers do not have to say their names or telephone numbers. Most hot lines are usually free. Callers do not have to pay for the advice or the phone calls, even if the calls are long distance ones. At some hot lines, the advisers are volunteers. Other hot lines pay their advisers for their work. Usually the advisers are full-time people with years of education and experience, but sometimes, the advisers have only taken a short training before starting to work on the hot lines. All the advisers listen to people and help them solve their problems56.  A hot line is a telephone line_________A  that is hot                    B through which people get advice C  whose number no one knows      D through which callers take a short training57.  the underlined word“anonymous”in the passage means_________in Chinese. A   secret      B  well-known        C exact        D wonderful58.  When people call the hot line advisers, they_________A  often give their names and telephone numbersB  generally have to pay for the long distance callsC  usually pay nothing for most of the calls and adviceD  always try to get in touch with the volunteer advisers59. The advisers working at hot lines _________A  have all been trained for a short timeB  are all volunteersC  have all received years of educationD  are not all paid60 The writer of the passage seems to think that_________A  hot lines help the callers a lotB  advisers will solve all of the callers’ problemsC  people had better pay for the advice D  people will not get advice from their families or friends
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