
Even as I write this story, I am still smiling. The past few weeks have been rather   41    , but when a large number of Smile Cards arrived in my   42   the other day, having traveled all the way from the United States to my home in the Netherlands, I knew things were about to    43     . I     44     where to leave the cards as I went to bed that night: the train, benches at the station, at work, libraries, mailboxes, the gym - the possibilities   45     endless. I woke up, went to work, and afterwards, I went     46     to the shop to buy some 小华在演奏二胡是,用琴弓拉动琴弦,使琴弦          而发声,小华手指不断在琴弦上移动,这样做是为了改变声音的            ,二胡的声音通过           传播到我们耳朵中的。
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