
(2019·顺义区二模)中国传统家训往往采用不同手法表达,极富形象性和哲理性。阅读著名家训并判断其中说法有误的一项    ( ) A.“是以与善人居,如入芝兰之室,久而自芳也;与恶人居,如入鲍鱼之肆,久而自臭也”出自《颜氏家训》,运用了比喻的修辞方法,将善人身上的品德比喻为芝兰之香,恶人身上的恶风比喻为鲍鱼之臭,告诫家人要与善人交往,对比鲜明,易于领会。 B.“黎明即起,洒扫庭除,要内外整洁;既昏便息,关锁门户,必亲自检点。一粥一饭,当思来处Absence If a student is absent, parents are asked to contact the school and report that absence. Simply ring the school and you will be directed to the absence phone system. You should then give the name of the student and their tutor teacher.Attendance School hours are 08:35 to 15:00. If a student is late, they must sign in at the Student Office.School times are as follows: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.08:35 - 09:35  Period 109:35 - 10:35  Period 210:35 - 10:50  Tutor Time10:50 - 11:10  Interval11:10 - 12:05  Period 312:05 - 13:00  Period 413:00 - 13.45  Lunch13:45 - 14:05  School-wide reading14:05 - 15:00  Period 5Wednesday Only09:00 - 09:55  Period 109:55 - 10:50  Period 2Rest of the times are the same as for the other days.CellphonesThe current cell phone policy is that, although permitted at school, they must not be used or turned on during class time.【小题1】If a student is absent, ______ should call the school and report the absence.the student’s parents         B. the student himselfC. the student’s tutor         D. the student’s teacher【小题2】The school doesn’t have Tutor Time ______.A.on Monday and FridayB.on Tuesday C.on ThursdayD.on Wednesday【小题3】Students can use their cell phones at ______ every day.A.09:00B.10:00C.11:00D.12:00【小题4】Which of the following is true?A.When you report an absence, you speak directly to the Student Office.B.You are not late if you go to your classroom at 8 o’clock on Thursday.C.You must ring the school if you are late.D.Wednesday afternoon is free.
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