
已知直线,直线,,两平行直线间距离为,而过点的直线被、截得的线段长为,求直线的方程. 答案:解:, 得. ,.故,. 又与间距离为,,解得或(舍). 故点坐标为.再设与的夹角为,斜率为,斜率为, ,,,解得或. 直线的方程为或. 即或. It took 22 years, 36 films and five nominations (提名) for Leonardo DiCaprio to finally win an Oscar.On Feb 28,the 41-year-old American actor ________ the Best Actor award at the 88th Academy Awards with his performance in The Revenant (《荒野猎人》).This marks DiCaprio’s first Oscar win, 22 years after he was first nominated for What’s Eating Gilbert Grape (《不一样的天空》) ________ the age of 19.DiCaprio’s career quickly ________ after he played Jack in Titanic (1997). The film was a huge success and made DiCaprio a big Hollywood star, as well as the ________ boy for girls all around the world.However, it also gave him the reputation (声誉) of being a “pretty boy”. People looked at his ________ more than his acting.To change people’s ________. DiCaprio “has had to work extra hard to choose difficult, less showy roles,” a Yahoo Movies article wrote.Roles he has played ________ a man in a mob (黑帮), a diamond smuggler (走私者), a psycho, a stockbroker (股票经纪人) and the most recent one, a 19th-century hunter in The Revenant.To play the role, DiCaprio was in very cold weather for seven months. Over half of the time, he was crawling on the ground. He also slept in dead animal bodies and ate a bison liver (野牛肝), ________ he’s a vegetarian (素食者).But DiCaprio does not mind giving an all-out effort in every one of his films. He expressed his love of the film ________ on the Today show in January.“You do them (these films) because you love the art form. I did that piece of work, and I gave it ________ I could while I was there”, he said.【1】A.regardedB.acceptedC.allowed【2】A.sinceB.fromC.at【3】A.took offB.took awayC.took place【4】A.successB.happyC.dream【5】A.eyesB.faceC.ears【6】A.mindsB.appearanceC.manners【7】A.includeB.includingC.includes【8】A.so thatB.as ifC.even though【9】A.factoryB.industryC.work【10】A.somethingB.everythingC.nothing
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