
My Favourite Books Jo Usmar is a writer for Cosmopolitan and co-author of the This Book Will series(系列)of lifestyle books. Here she picks her top reads. Matilda Roald Dahl  I once wrote a paper on the influence of fairy tales on Roald Dahl's writing and it gave me a new appreciation for his strange and delightful words. Matilda's battles with her cruel me parents and the bossy headmisres,Miss Trunchbull,are equally fumy and frightening,but they're also aspirational. After Dark Haruki Murakami It’s about two sisters-Eri,a model who either won’t or can’t stop slee“六一”期间,小张购进100只两种型号的文具进行销售,其进价和售价之间的关系如下表:(1)小张如何进货,使进货款恰好为1300元?(2)要使销售文具所获利润最大,且所获利润不超过进货价格的40%,请你帮小张设计一个进货方案,并求出其所获利润的最大值.
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