
(2020·湖南怀化二模·31)从1984年到1986年,我国引进各类先进技术(设备)达1.4万多项,用汇额达100亿美元,其中14个港口城市到1986年底累计引进技术4 200项,用汇31亿美元,项目和金额都占全国的三分之一。这反映出我国( ) A.沿海在国家战略中率先受益         B.经济体制改革继续深化 C.全方位对外开放格局已形成         D.注重引进技术加快发展 情景对话,选句子。 A. They're delicious.B. what's for supper?C. They're playing cards.D. What's he doing?E. I'm having breakfast.F. What time is itJohn: 1___________, Amy? Amy: It's 6: 05. John: Oh! It's time for supper. Amy: Yes! Let me ask father to have it! John: 2___________ Amy: He's reading the newspaper in the living room. John: By the way (顺便问一下), 3___________ Amy: Cabbages and peas.John: 4___________ I like them. Amy: Ha, me, too.
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