
I worked on boats for twenty five years. Now I am a docking pilot(码头领航员). My job is to __6__in the large luxury liners(轮船) and stay with them until they are __7__ stopped in the harbour. Sometimes this requires two tugs(拖船),sometimes many more, __8__ the tide and the weather. Most of you no __9__ have seen these tugs pushing and pulling at the big liners. What they are doing doesn't seem to make much __10__, as the minute the big boat is alongside the port, her heavy rope made fast, the job is__11__. I felt very __12__ after I had docked several of the large lin下列叙述中正确的是A. 聚乙烯是混合物,能使溴的四氯化碳溶液褪色B. 苯、溴水、铁粉混合制成溴苯C. 沸点:戊烷>丙烷>乙烷D. 烷烃可以使酸性高锰酸钾溶液褪色
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