
一辆小汽车在平直公路上匀速行驶,发动机的牵引力为1500N,速度为72km/h. (1)求牵引力在10min内所做的功. (2)若发动机的牵引力用F表示,小汽车的速度用v表示,请推导出牵引力的功率P=Fv. 答案:       解:(1)v=72km/h=20m/s 因为v=,所以汽车行驶的距离: s=vt=20m/s×600s=12000m, 牵引力在10min内所做的功: W=Fs=1500N×12000m=1.8×107J; (2)根据公式W=Fs,P=得:P===Fv. 答:(1)牵引力在10min内所做的功是1.8×107J; (2)P===Fv.“To all of the men and women of the United States armed forces now in the. Middle East, the peace of a troubled world and the hopes of en people now ________ you.”Bush said in his speech announcng war against Iraq.A.onB.lays onC.is charged onD.is left to
物理 试题推荐