
阅读短文 Ms James: This morning’s class is about first aid (急救), or offering someone medical help. Let’s imagine an accident. A boy is lying on the ground. He isn’t moving or making a sound. He is in a lot of pain (痛苦万分). What can we do to help him? Betty: First of all, find out what’s the matter with him. Ms James: How do we do that? Betty: Ask him. Ms James: Ok. But he could have trouble hearing you or speaking to you. Lingling: Shout for help? Call 120? Ms James: Good idea, but what should we do before help arrives? Tony: Make him comfortable. Ms James: 下列词语注音都正确的一项是                                      (    )     A.福祉(zhǐ)  清风夜唳(lì)  石栈(jiàn)     猿猱(náo)     B.创(chuāng)伤    谲(jú)诈    戮(lǜ)刺    雪霁(jì)     C.乘桴(fú)浮于海   惊魂甫(fǔ)定    吮(shǔn)血    寂寥(liáo)     D.庖(páo)厨    安谧(mì)   朔(suò)漠    崔嵬(wéi)
英语 试题推荐