
Oasis Coffee Shop International Buffet Feast Newly-upgraded international buffet features a wide spread of Eastern and Western flavors with a fresh selection of cold cuts, seafood, hot dishes, carving, noodles, curry, as well as desserts. Menu changes daily. Unlimited soft drinks, beer, coffee and tea are provided. Lunch and Dinner: CNY 188.00 per person CNY 128.00 per person for the children between 1.2m and 1.5m. Free for children under 1.2m. Above prices are subject to 15% surcharge. Lunch: 11:30a.m.-2:00p.m. (extended to 2:30pm on Saturday & Sunday) Dinner: 5:30p.m.-9:00p.14、受精完成后,花的各部分的变化是(   ) A.整朵花凋谢                       B.花冠的花蕊凋谢  C.子房继续发育                   D.雄蕊发育成果实
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