
任务型阅读 Going to visit your neighbour is fun. You will be good friends after you spend time together. So please be a good visitor. When to get to your neighbour’s home When a neighbour invites you, you need to get to his or her home on time. If he or she asks you to come at 3:00, you should get there before 3:05. But usually it’s a good idea to get there at the right time. What to take Often it’s nice to take something to your neighbour’s house. Presents like a box of chocolates or a CD are good, because you can share them. A little present is a way to show your neighbours下列做法与社会可持续发展理念相违背的是(  ) A、将工业废水注入地下,治理水污染B、回收利用易拉罐等废弃金属材料,节约资源C、开发新能源,减少对煤、石油等化石燃料的依赖D、倡导步行、公交等出行方式,减少温室气体排放
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