
How cool can libraries be in an era(时代) of iPods and Kindles? More than you think. Only if you know where to go. Central Library: Seattle, Washington, United States The Central Library in Seattle is modern and fashionable and has tourists from around the world paying visits and taking tours. It was designed by Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas and American designer Joshua Prince-Ramus. Tours began in 2006, two years after its opening. The library holds various art exhibitions, book signings and other events, while visitors can stop by the Chocolati cat for a coffee and scan through the 古代中国地方行政制度不断演变,地方官员称呼也时有调整。如下图为秦朝疆域图,图中的“琅邪郡”管辖地在西周时期的地方长官可能是 A.周王             B.郡守             C.县令             D.诸侯
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