
   Do you have a pet in your family? Yes? It’s easy for you to be ill. Dogs, cats, fish, chicken and many other animals sometimes are dangerous to people. For many healthy people, a flu(流感) is nothing. But for other people, like children and the old, it may be serious. Now, a flu called H7N9 arrives in China. This new and dangerous flu is from birds. First, it goes from bird to bird, but now, it goes from birds to people. Because it is new, we don’t know how to fight it. Some people in Beijing, Shanghai and other cities are ill because of this bird flu. Some of them contact c下列各组词语中加粗字的读音与所给的注音都相同的是 [  ] A.提t0  提炼  提防  提心吊胆 B.分f8n  过分  分析  分外妖娆 C.塞s8   堵塞  边塞  敷衍塞责 D.横h6ng  纵横  横竖  横行霸道
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