
下列各句中有语病的一项是(     )。(2分)A.任何单位和个人在食品生产中禁止使用食品添加剂以外的任何化学物质和其他可能危害人体健康的物质。B.“书香威海·2011全民读书节”活动将对提升城市文化软实力和城市文明水平起到了重要作用。C.雪山环抱的高山湖泊和浩瀚荒漠中的低地湖泊分别构成河之起源与河之终点。D.对于大部分的中国人来说,到曾母暗沙去,是心中一个遥不可及的梦想。  阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空(必要时加助动词或情态动词)。 As a young school girl, Millie had a problem and did not know how to solve it.She(1)   (have)to go to Sigmund Friend, a famous youth worker, to ask for help. Millie's problem was that she (2)        (not achieve)a balance between studying and(3)        (play).She spent so much time (4)    (write)her homework that she couldn't find any time for her hobbies.She could not decide when to do her homework and when (5)     (spend)time on her hobbies. She wondered if she should focus on her studies and(6)        (give)up her hobbies. For her problem, Sigmund first asked how long she (7)    (be )like this.And then he told her (8)   (plan)her day carefully and choose one hobby(9)     (do)each day, or just spend time on her favorite hobby.At last Millie said "I hope this advice (10)    (be)helpful."
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