
下列各句中,没有语病的一项是    A.昨日,各工商部门已将各自辖区内的商场和水产市场进行了集中检查,并查处郦些仍在销售多宝鱼的商家。   B.天津市构建了以低保为核心,以帮困助学等为配套,以其他专项求助为补充的城乡一体化社会求助,保障了低保对象、特殊困难群众的基本需要。   C.大多数中国人用理解和鼓励接受了在最后时刻因伤退出比赛的刘翔,更有媒体称“人性比金牌更重要”。    D.近年来,我市从中小学教师中先后Pat O’Burke was a poor Irishman with a large family, and one morning, waking up very early from cold and hunger, he decided to go shooting in a wood near his cottage. The wood belonged to Lord Northwood, a rich gentleman, Pat had no right to go there, but in it there were swarms of rabbits and flocks of birds that were good to eat, and Pat determined to take the risk. Suddenly he saw the owner, with a group of friends, coming towards him in the wood. There was a look of anger on Lord Northwood's face as he caught sight of the gun in Pat's hands. Pat's heart sank with fear, but he saw there was no hope of escape, so he walked boldly(大胆) up to the company and said to Lord Northwood, “Good morning, sir, and what has brought you out so early this morning?” Lord Northwood, rather surprised, said he and his Mends were taking a little exercise to get an appetite(食欲) for their breakfast. Then, looking at Pat with suspicion(怀疑), he said, “but why are you out so early in the morning?” “Well, sir” said Pat, “I just came out to see if I could get a breakfast for my appetite.” The whole crowd burst into laughter at Pat's ready wit(机智,风趣), and with a smile Lord Northwood walked on, leaving Pat to try his luck with the rabbits. 1.. This is a story about ________. A. a rich man who owned a big wood               B. a poor Irishman who lived all by himself C. a clever man who tried to get something to eat   D. an Irish hunter with a large family 2.. There was a look of anger on Lord Northwood's face. Why? A. He was not expecting Pat at this early hour.     B. He knew Pat was coming for shooting. C. He didn’t like the poor Irishman at all.             D. Pat had not told him he would come. 3.. Why was Lord Northwood surprised? A. He had not expected such a bold question from Pat.    B. He wondered why Pat didn’t run away. C. Pat wasn’t afraid of him.                        D. Pat had a gun in his hands. 4.. What made the whole crowd burst into laughter? A. Pat's funny looks.                                 B. Pat's interesting remarks. C. Pat's quick and humorous response.                D. Pat's promise to leave fight away.
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