
莫扎特的声音 马慧元到处都是莫扎特的音乐。远方的原野上,天空里,风中……耳畔是莫扎特的钢琴奏鸣曲,于是,列车的车窗外,透明的山峦与河流交叠在一起,风景的色彩被音乐过滤成琴键上的黑与白。汽笛声里,我想起莫扎特童年在欧洲奔波时弯弯曲曲的车辙,想起颠簸在马颈上的铃声。里帕蒂演奏的莫扎特从电池里潺潺流出来。如果不是亲耳听到,真不相信人间还有这样的声音。它出奇的妩媚、温存、飘逸,仿佛来自某种超凡的情感,又极     Long ago,most of our earth was covered with blocks (块) of ice. These ice blocks were as tall as high buildings in modern cities. Most of the ice was in the northern part of the world. Then the ice blocks started to move south. Cold and rain came with the ice. Animals had to move. At last,the ice began to melt ( 融化) .After half a million years,most of it melted. More than half of the earth became covered with water. The climate became much warmer. Things began to grow. The earth began to look the way in which it looks today.1. Long ago,our earth was very       .   A. warm   B. hot   C. cool   D. cold2. What did animals try to do when the ice blocks moved south?   A. They tried to stop them moving.   B. They tried to melt them.   C. They tried to move.   D. They tried to stay ahead of them.3. The melting ice may help to form       .   A. mountains and valleys   B. the sun,the moon and the earth   C. cities and countries   D. seas,lakes and rivers4. The underlined word “climate’means “      ”.   A. the freezing ice   B. the weather of the year   C. the moving of the ice blocks   D. a plant or an animal5. Which of these things may happen because the Ice Age en- ded?a. Forests grew.b. Food became harder to find.c. Fishing became easier.d. The temperature dropped.   A. a;b   B. b;d   C. c;d   D. a;c
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