
Every decision is made within a decision environment, which is defined as the collection of information, alternatives, values. Many decision makers have a(n)  50  to seek more information than required to make a good decision. When too much information is sought and obtained, one or more of several   51  can arise. ﹡ A   52   in the decision occurs because of the time required to obtain and process the extra information. ﹡  53   overload will occur. In this state, so much information is available that decision-making ability actually   54   because the information in its e(2012?怀化)2011年春季至2012年夏季的连续干旱使我国的西南地区受灾严重.农作物大量减产或绝收,请回答:(1)干旱造成大量动植物死亡,这一现象说明CCA.生物能影响环境                     B.生物能适应一定的环境C.非生物因素能影响生物的生存         D.生物与环境可以相互影响(2)“山上多植树,胜似修水库,有雨它能吞,无雨它能吐”这句谚语说明植物不仅能涵养水源,还可以通过蒸腾作用促进生物圈的水水循环.(3)缺水引起农作物减产,因为水是植物光合作用的原料原料;而且植物生长所需要的无机盐必需溶解在水中水中才能被植物吸收.(4)城市管网漏水,农田大水漫灌,工业生产用重复率不高等水资源浪费现象比比皆是.如果你是一名环保专家,你将对我们的工业、农业及生活用水提供什么建议?改进供水管网的密封性能,农田实行滴灌、喷灌,提高工业用水的重复率改进生产工艺,减少耗水量改进供水管网的密封性能,农田实行滴灌、喷灌,提高工业用水的重复率改进生产工艺,减少耗水量.
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