
     Joe Simpson and Simon Yates were the first people to climb the West Face of the Siula Grande in the Andes mountains. They reached the top  41  , but on their way back conditions were very   42 . Joe fell and broke his leg. They both knew that if Simon    43   alone, he would probably get back   44   . But Simon decided to risk his   45   and try to lower Joe down the mountain on a rope(绳). As they went down, the weather got worse. Then another troubled   46  .They couldn’t see or hear each other and, by mistake, Simon lowered his friend over the ed化学使人类生活更美好.(1)豆浆已成为众多家庭的饮品,下表是豆浆中部分营养成分的平均质量分数。请据表回答:成分蛋白质油脂 糖类 钙 铁 维生素 质量分数/% 1.80.7 1.1 0.01 005 0.015①豆浆中含有人体所需的微量元素是___,青少年因缺___而导致佝偻病。②豆浆所含的营养素中不能供给人体能量,但可以起到调节新陈代谢作用的是___(填字母,下同)。A 蛋白质 B 油脂 C 糖类 D 维生素(2)材料对我们的生活影响越来越大。①用作保险丝的武德合金属于____;A 金属材料 B 合成材料 C 复合材料②下列方法不能防止钢铁腐蚀的是___;A 表面镀铬 B 表面涂油漆 C 部分浸入食盐水③有一种用“冰蚕丝”面料做的衣服,面料的主要成分是合成纤维,鉴别“冰蚕丝”和天然蚕丝的化学方法是____。
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