
Matches made over the Internet often do not last long because people end up choosing unsuitable partners and forming emotional bonds before meeting face-to-face, an Australian university researcher has found. Women were especially susceptible (易于) to finding Mr. Wrong, as they send to be attracted by witty (巧妙) comments or clever emails, said psychologist Matthew Bambling from the Queensland University of Technology. You can never assume things are the way they seem online, Bambling said. Just because they can write a clever comment or a witty email, doesn' t mean they will be Mr. Righ物理来源于生活,下列估测最接近实际的是(  )A.泰州夏天室内的最高气温可达50℃B.一个中学生受到的重力可能是500NC.一个中学生的身高可能是16cmD.一盏家用日光灯正常工作时的功率是500W
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