
(4分)如图甲所示的电池盒,盒外有三个接线柱A、B、C;盒内有三个5号电池插槽,六个接线柱a、b、c、d、e、f;部分连接好的导线已画出,如图21乙中虚线所示.选接盒外不同接线柱,可从该电池盒获得1.5V、3V、4.5V三种输出电压.请你在图乙的虚线框内,用笔画线代替导线将三节干电池(用元件符号表示)连接起来,K]组成一个符合实际的电源,并满足上述要求。 Do you know the girl over there? She wears a hat with flowers on it. Her name is Xinzi. She is a nice Japanese girl, my new friend. She is in our class, studying Chinese. I like Xinzi. I don’t know Japanese, and Xinzi doesn’t know much Chinese. We know some English. We are the same age. And we have the same interests. We like to sing Chinese, Japanese and English songs. I help her to ride a bike and fly a kite. She helps me to swim and jump. We like playing football, but we can’t play at school because the playground is small. Xinzi and the other girls in our class will go to the swimming pool on Monday, and I want to go with them. 1.What does the girl know? A.Much Chinese.                         B.Some English. C.Little Japanese.                         D.Nothing. 2.What is Xinzi good at? A.Swimming and jumping.                   B.Riding a bike. C.Flying a kite.                           D.Playing basketball. 3.Xinzi and the other girls want to ______ on Monday. A.play games                            B.go swimming C.play football                           D.fly kites
物理 试题推荐