
以下是一些新闻报道的信息: [A]. Science magazine published the study aboutorangutans(猩猩). The scientists collected evidence fromyears of observations in six areas on Borneo and Sumatra.The scientists found that the animals demonstrated atotal of twenty-four signs of cultural activity. Several actions weredemonstrated in some orangutan groups, but not others.[B]. The Environmental Investigation Agency andTelapak released the report. Telapak is an environmental group based inIndonesia.The Environmental Investigation Agencyoperates in several countries. The two groups say下列各项中,没有语病的一项是 A.央视批星巴克的报道反响激烈,美《外交政策》杂志也加入“吐槽大军”,称央视“企图转移公众注意力,避开百姓最关心的高房价问题,从而纠结咖啡价格”。 B.从“突然死机”到“无法开机”再到高价维修,这已是众多三星手机NOTE系列及S系列机的共同烦恼。 C.如果说美景存在于世界的某个地方,不如说它存在于干净的心地,心灵豁达、光明开朗,才是人世间最美的风光。 D.一段时间以来,日方刻意渲染所谓外部威胁,人为制造紧张对立,并以此为借口不断扩充军备,其真实意图不能不令国际社会感到担忧和警惕的问题。
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