
The old lady _________when I was in the countryside is said to be still very much alive though in her nineties. A.after whom I looked                                      B.whom I took care C.who I looked after                                         D.of whom I took care 答案:C 解析: 此定语从句的正确说法是whom I took care of/whom I look after。take care of/look after 是固定短语,介词of/after在定语从句中不能提前。 盒中有6个小球,3个白球,记为a1,a2,a3,2,个红球,记为b1,b2,1个黑球,记为c1,除了颜色和编号外,球没有任何区别. (1)求从盒中取一球是红球的概率; (2)从盒中取一球,记下颜色后放回,再取一球,记下颜色,若取白球得1分,取红球得2分,取黑球得3分,求两次取球得分之和为5分的概率.
英语 试题推荐