
 “Tell me what you were like when you were my age,” I asked my mother one afternoon. She looked up, 16 at my question. After a long time she answered, “I was 17 like you. Then, there was only one 18 for girls — being a hard-working 19. To tell the truth, it is 20 for me to tell you that I 21 my mother when I was growing up. I did so much for her. Besides doing lots of housework, every night I 22 go into my parents’ bedroom, and wash their feet with warm water. Not once did my mother ever said, ‘thank you’. I stared out of the window, remembering 23 I grew up, always wan7.某次“验证机械能守恒定律”的实验中,用6V、50Hz的打点计时器打出的一条无漏点的纸带,如图所示,O点为重锤下落的起点,选取的计数点为A、B、C、D,各计数点到O点的长度已在图上标出,单位为毫米,重力加速度取9.8m/s2,若重锤质量为1kg,计算结果保留3位有效数字.(1)下列器材中选出实验所必须的,其编号为ABEA.打点计时器(包括纸带)   B.重锤    C.天平    D.秒表   E.毫米刻度尺(2)从开始下落算起,打点计时器打B点时,重锤的动能EkB=0.690J;重锤的重力势能减小量为0.691J.(3)根据纸带提供的数据分析,重锤从静止开始到打出B点的过程中,可得出的结论是在误差允许的范围内,垂锤的机械能守恒.
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