
下列叙述正确的是   A.氢氧化钠固体易潮解,有腐蚀性,称量时不能直接放在天平的托盘上 B.氧气可以支持燃烧,具有可燃性 C.经常用钢丝球洗刷铝锅,能使之光亮、耐用 D.钢铁闸门浸入水下的部分比靠近水面的部分更容易生锈 答案:A根据句子意思和首字母提示,拼写出正确的单词。 1. Jenny fails to take photos because her c________ doesn't work at all. 2. I don't feel it a p_______ to miss the match. The match is said to be the most boring one of this season. 3. Everyone knows the secret e______ Tom. Nobody wants to tell him about it. 4. Words couldn't d_______ what I was feeling at the moment the good news came to my ears. 5. The boy became b_______ in both eyes after a serious illness. Now he can see nothing. 6. The beautiful scenery of the West Lake a________ large numbers of tourists to Hangzhou every day. 7. Have you forgotten already? I've told you t________, once yesterday, and again this morning.
化学 试题推荐