
.  Dear Abby, This is my first letter to you, although I have been reading your column for many years. I need an outside opinion. I am a grandmother in my 70s and have just returned from visiting my daughter, her husband and their three dearly loved children--all under the age of 5--and I'm upset with some of their parenting ways. For example: They lock the doors to their children's bedrooms at night because the children might get out of their beds and wander around the house, and we may not hear them.  If one child should get punishment, all three are punished, and if one child says a naugh我国改革开放大大推进了社会经济的发展,使百姓生活逐步奔向小康.近几年最明显的标志之一就是轿车逐步进入百姓家庭.下列有关轿车的说法正确的是( )A.司机及乘员系上安全带可以减小惯性B.汽车发动机工作时,将机械能转化为内能C.汽车刹车需要利用摩擦,起步和行驶都不需要利用摩擦D.汽车轮胎刻有花纹是为了增大摩擦,轮胎做得宽大是为了减小对路面的压强
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