
1. 详细信息

.       you may hear, there is remarkably little racism in America, which is a great country to visit and where you can expect to be treated with warmth and friendship.

A. Although what   B. Despite that   C. In spite of what   D. Regardless of that

2. 详细信息

Educators claimed that children       to English-speaking environment will learn the language more quickly.

A. should be exposed   B. to be exposed   C. having exposed    D. exposed

3. 详细信息

Many people fail to realize that teaching is an art,       needs careful training of a special kind.

A. one that   B. whatever   C. whichever   D. which one

4. 详细信息

 Because he is blessed with sharp observation and unfailing passion for life, everything around him can be the       of his paintings.

A. review   B. item   C. subject   D. purpose

5. 详细信息

 According to a study, some serious road accidents usually happen in the last few hours before dawn, when even the most experienced driver has difficulty        awake.

A. maintaining   B. preserving   C. claiming     D. staying

6. 详细信息

A. Attraction  B. originally  C. enthusiastically  D. command  E. satisfy

F. favorable   G. approval   H. treasured      I. viewed     J. developed 

K. considerable

Public image doesn't make money directly, nor is it anything visible. However, excellent public image is such an important thing that it is   19   desired by every company, enterprise, institution, etc. Public image refers to how a company is   20    by its customers, suppliers, and stockholders (股东), by the financial community, by the communities where it operates, and by federal and local governments. Public image is controllable to   21  extents, just as the           product, price, place, and promotional efforts are.

A firm's public image plays a vital role in the   22   of the firm and its products to employees, customers, and to such outsiders as stockholders, suppliers, creditors (贷款方), government officials, as well as different special groups. With some things it is impossible to23                all the different publics: for example, a new highly automated plant may meet the  24    of creditors and stockholders. However, it will undoubtedly find resistance from employees who see their jobs threated. On the other hand, high quality products and service standards should bring almost complete approval, while low quality products and false claims would be widely looked down upon.

   A firm's public image, if it is good, should be   25    . It is a valuable strength that usually is built up over a long and satisfying relationship of a firm with publics. If a firm has  26   a quality image, this is not easily imitated by competitors. Such an image may enable a firm to charge higher prices, to win the best distributors, to attract the best employees, to expect the most    27   creditor relationships and lowest borrowings costs. It should also allow the firm’s stock to   28     higher price-earnings ratio(比例) than other firms in the same industry with such a good reputation and public image.

7. 详细信息

A.     The success story was traced back to the 1960s, when Vancouver decided not to build highways.

B.     Today, around 50 percent of journeys in Vancouver are made through sustainable means.

C.     Vancouver now boasts some of the lowest carbon emissions in the world.

D.     Tree planting proves an effective way in reducing the emission of carbon.

E.     The city planner knew that green transportation had to be a big part of the solution.

F.     Carbon dioxide is the major source of air pollution in big cities in Canada. 

In many big cities around, gas-powered vehicles are one of the biggest sources of carbon emissions. Therefore, the Canadian city of Vancouver set ambitious goals of reducing its carbon footprint.     52      

The city has managed a near-miraculous transformation.      53    among them cycling, walking, or using public transit have become common forms of transportation. The city once set a goal that by 2020, ten percent of all commutes would take place on bikes. It hit that goal three years early.

      54     They city remains the only major North American city with no highways within city limits, says Brent Toderian, Vancouver’s former chief planner. Instead of building a bridge across English Bay, the city chose to create a ferry service.

Today, walking, cycling and public transit all link up so that Vancouver citizens can travel Car-free quite easily. Cycling is the fastest-growing mode of transport in the city. Because almost a quarter of all bike lanes are separated from traffic lanes, people can ride their bikes without having to share their roads with cars and trucks.

In addition to building cycling infrastructure and promoting public transit, Vancouver has also incorporated dozens of electric dozens of the electric cars in its municipal fleet. According to Sadhu Johnston, the city manager, “If we can all drive an electric car, it’s much better for air quality in the city,” he explains.

   55     its story shows that small efforts eventually make big difference. It reminds us of an old proverb: The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is now. Perhaps more cities should follow Vancouver’s example and begin a serious push to promote sustainable transport right away.

8. 详细信息

A new report said middle class workers could still be working (1)    they are at the age of 70, to help out their grown up children.

Middle class workers (2)   (age) 50 and above are being forced to delay their retirement, with many blaming their children, a report revealed yesterday.

To many middle class workers, (3)    bothered them from work couldn’t compare with the possibility that might postpone their retirement date by around five years.

It is not just the rising cost of living that i8 causing the delay. Many pointed to the fact that they are constantly having to provide for their grown-up children at an age (4)   they assumed they should be financially independent.

Actually, one in five middle class workers (5)    keep working in order to support their children. Many workers struggled all along to the retirement date, only (6)    (realize) that they had to switch to a part-time working pattern, also called semi-retirement. Rarely(7)          people hear of the concept of semi-retirement in the past but now semi-retirement has become the routine among wealthier people in Meir 50s and 60s, regarded as (8)    sign of the country’s on-going worsening economy.

9. 详细信息

1.     由于大雾,我们看不清山上的那座雕像。(visible



2.     鲍勃说过要加入我们俱乐部,可是他并没有加入。他一定是变卦了。(must



3.     现代画家一看到这些宋代的栩栩如生的国画,就获得许多灵感。(Hardly






10. 详细信息

   The simplest way of listening to music is to listen for the sheer pleasure of the musical sound itself. That is the sensuous plane(感官层面). It is the plane on which we hear music without 29   in any way. One turns on the radio while doing something else and absent –mindedly bathes in the   30   .A kind of brainless but   31  state of the mind is caused by the mere sound effect of the music. This    32    to every normal human and is self-evident. The sensuous plane is an important one in music, a very important one, but it does not   33     the whole story.

There is, however, such a thing as becoming more sensitive to the different kinds of sound stuff as used by various composes. The stuff expresses, at different moments, serenity(宁静)or exuberance, regret or triumph, fury or delight. It expresses each of these   34    in a numberless variety of subtle shadings and differences. It may even express a state of meaning for which there exists no   35   world in any language. In that case,   36   often like to say that it has only a purely musical meaning.

While listening, each listener feels for himself the specific expressive quality of a   37     or, similarly, an entire piece of music. And if it is a great work of art, don’t expect it to mean exactly the same thing to you each time you   38    to it.

An intelligent listener must be prepared to increase his awareness of the musical material and what happens to it. He must hear the melodies, the rhythms, the harmonies, the different tones in a more conscious and fashionable way to follow the line of the composer’s   39   . In a sense, an ideal listener is both inside and outside the music at the same moment, wishing it could go one way or another--- almost like the composer at the moment he composes it;   40 in order to write his music, the composer must also be inside and outside his music,  41    by it  and yet coldly critical of it and yet coldly critical of it. A subjective attitude is implied in both creating and listening to music.                             

    What the listener should strive for, then is a more active kind of listening.   42    you listen to Mozart or Duke Ellington, you can deepen you understanding of music only by being a more conscious and aware listener--- not someone who is just listening, but someone who is listening for 43   

29. A, training    B. questioning    C. following    D. thinking

30. A. sound     B. story          C. meaning     D. situation

31 A. attractive   B good          C. healthy      D. simple

32. A. turns      B. Refers        C. appeals      D. sticks

33. A. go round   B. comes into    C. get out       D. make up

34. A. form      B. practice       C. moods       D. track

35. A. strong     B. adequate      C. academic     D. technical

36. A. listeners   B. musicians      C. players      D. writers

37. A. character     B. book     C. concert       D. theme

38. A. return        B. speak    C. attend        D. see

39. A. instruction    B. thought   C. advice        D. background

40. A. because      B. though    C. if            D. so

41. A. cheered up    B. woken up  C. carried away  D. taken away

42. A. Until        B. Whether    C. Unless       D. If 

43. A. life          B. culture     C. please       D. something

11. 详细信息

Last June, a violent storm hit Sydney, Australia. It hammered the coastline with waves up to eight meters high that sent water surging up to 50 meters inland.

  The disaster illustrates why we fear the ocean so much. “We love the sea. We live near it and even dream about living under it,“said Emma Johnson, a British ecologist. “But we’re also terrified of it. Almost every culture has a flood myth of some kind.”

   For much of making’s history, the response to this fear has been trying to control the ocean. We build dams and sea walls, trying to tame the wildness of the ocean. Consequently, we have been invading further and further into the marine environment. In China, for example, at least 60 percent of the coastline has been built upon. Such invasions, however, risk doing permanent harm to marine environments. Structures like piers can create shade that reduces algal(海藻类的)growth and makes it easier for invasive species to take root. Bright lights at night, meanwhile, confuse species such as turtles that use light to navigate.

   Then, it is possible for us to co-exist with our oceans? Johnson believes the answer is yes. She says all around the world, people are starting to build with nature, instead of against it.

One way to do this is to design architecture that not only achieves its structural purpose but also provides habitats for the local marine creature. Along the waterside development in Sydney Harbor, a sandstone wall provides seating for humans. It also offers an attractive home for marine life. As a naturally occurring local material, sandstone appears quite familiar to Sydney Harbor’s marine creature. The sea wall has already been colonized by Kelp(巨藻),which is particularly good at improving water quality.

Twelve harbors around the world are now taking part in such “blue engineering.’’ Each of them works with its own unique marine life.

“Every time I drive, I realize how little we know about how marine environments work,” Johnson says. Fortunately, with a mindset(观念)of blue engineering, she feels there is much hope.” I am looking forward to a new era of construction in marine environments.

44. People fear the oceans because         .

A. ocean storms cause huge damage to humans   B. people are powerless before the oceans.

C. ocean waves always break deep into the land   D. different people tell different stories

45. What does the third paragraph imply about the people’s response to ocean in history?

A. They have been trying to bring oceans under control.

B. Dams and sea walls effectively reduce the power of oceans.

C. Ocean algal helps marine plants to grow much faster.

D. People’s invasion into oceans has upset the marine environment.

46. What does the author suggest humans should do to co-exist with oceans?

A. Build walls to keep humans away from the marine creatures

B. Balance the activities between humans and marine species.

C. Improve the quality of the ocean water for marine creatures.

D. Construct more ocean seats for ocean life to colonize and grow.

47. What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. Ways to keep the ecological balance of the oceans.

B. The appearance of invasive species in oceans.

C. Challenges from the ocean storms.

D. Problems facing human in blue engineering.

12. 详细信息

As machines go, the car is not terribly noisy, nor terribly polluting, nor terribly dangerous; and on all those dimensions it has become better as the century has grown older. The main

Problem is its prevalence, and the social costs that ensue from the use by everyone of something

That would be fairly harmless if, say only the rich were to use it. It is a price we pay for equality.

Before becoming too gloomy, it is worth recalling why the car has been arguably the most successful and popular product of the whole of the past 1oo years---and remains so. The story begins with the environmental improvement it brought in the 1900s. In New York City in 1900, according to the Car Culture, a 1975 book by J. Flink, a historian, horses deposited 2.5 million Pounds of manure () and 60, 000 gallons of urine (尿) every day. Every year, the city authorities had to remove an average of 15,000 dead horses from the sheets, it made cars smell of roses.

Cars were also wonderfully flexible. The main earlier solution to horse pollution and traffic jams was the electric trolley bus (电车). But that required fixed overhead wires, and rails and platforms, which were expensive, ugly, and inflexible. The car could go from any A to any B, and allowed towns to develop in all directions with low-density housing, rather than just being concentrated along the trolley or rail lines. Rural areas benefited too, for they became less remote.

However, since pollution became a concern in the 1950s, experts have predicted-wrongly-that the car boom was about to end. In his book Mr. Flink argued that by

1973 the American market had become saturated, at one car for every 2.25 people, and so had the markets of Japan and Western Europe (because of land shortages). Environmental worries and diminishing oil reserves would prohibit mass car use anywhere else.

He was wrong. Between 1970 and 1990, whereas America's population grew by 23%, the number of cars on its roads grew by 60%. There is now one car for every 1.7 people there, one for every 2.1 in Japan, one for every 5.3 in Britain. Around 550 million cars are already on the roads, not to mention all the trucks and motorcycles, and about 50 million new ones are made each year worldwide. Will it go on? Undoubtedly, because people want it to.

48. According to the passage. The car started to gain popularity because        .

A. it didn't break down as easily as a horse   B. it had a comparatively pleasant smell of flowers

C. it caused less pollution than horses       D.it brightened up the gloomy streets

49. What impact did the use of cars have on society?

A. People were compelled to leave downtown areas.

B. People were able to live in less crowded suburban areas

C. Business along trolley and rail lines dropped.

D. city streets were free of ugly Overhead wires.

50. Mr.Flink argued in his book that cars would not be widely used in other countries because         

A. the once booming car market has become saturated

B. traffic jams in those countries are getting more and more serious

C. expensive motorways are not available in lee developed countries

D. people worry about pollution and the reducing oil resources

51. What’s wrong with Mr.Flink’s prediction?

A. The use of automobiles has kept increasing worldwide.

B. New generations of cars are virtually pollution free.

C. The population of America has not increased as fast.

D. People’s environmental concerns are constantly increasing.