
I believe influence is the union of power and purpose. As a TV star, magazine founder, businesswoman and celebrity, Oprah Winfrey certainly has power. But most important, she has purpose—a lasting commitment to the principles of goodness and generosity that goes beyond any one individual. ① I have sat with Oprah in interviews and in my home. I have felt her warmth, and I am always moved by her deep love for others. She makes you want to invite her into your life—and she invites you into hers. Oprah’s story is America’s story: a young girl from Mississippi, who grew up without10、用鼻呼吸比用口呼吸好,你知道鼻的哪些结构在起作用吗?(   ) ①鼻腔内的鼻毛②鼻腔内的黏膜③鼻腔黏膜内的毛细血管④鼻腔内的嗅细胞 A.①②③                B.①③④                C.②③④                   D.①②③④
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