
A clam (蚌) decided to take a rest on the bank of the River Yi. When the clouds passed, he felt cool in their shadow. When the sun returned, he felt warm. It was a good time to daydream, and so he did.. From above, a bird saw the clam and flew down and gave it a good peck (啄). The clam was frightened and closed his shell tight, catching the bird’s beak. “Remove your beak at once,” ordered the clam. But the bird was stubborn, though she was able to pull out her beak, she refused. “I will not remove my beak until you open your shell,” the bird mumbled. Like the clam, she fou排出痰液具有净化呼吸道的作用,那么“痰”产生的部位是( )A. 口腔 B. 咽 C. 鼻腔 D. 气管和支气管
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