
Tea bag drinking is most Westerns’ favorite way of drinking tea. Do you know how it came about? The tea bag was invented in 1908 by Thomas Sullivan, an American tea seller. He was sending out free tea in silk (丝绸) bags for people to try. People put the bags together with the tea leaves into the cup and added hot water. The tea tasted good, and people thought it was easy to clean the cup. They were not happy when Sullivan started sending them loose (散的) tea again. Sullivan realized that he had a hot new thing in his hands, and he built a machine to pack the bags. As tea bags became po9.清朝加强对边疆地区管辖的措施不包括(  )A.抗击匈奴B.册封达赖和班禅C.设置驻藏大臣D.设置伊犁将军
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