
Camille Mahlknecht, 9, has some big fun planned for this weekend.She and other residents of Agoura Hills, California, plan to pick up trash during their city’s annual cleanup.At the same time, Wissam Raed, 12, will be busy volunteering too.Thousands of miles away in Lebanon, Wissam plans to put on a play at an orphanage and bring potted plants to elderly people at a senior citizen center.        Some other children like Nathan White, 10, have personal reasons for volunteering.Nathan’s grandmother died of a heart attack.To help raise money for medical research, Nathan part1、下面是一位美军士兵的日记:“1941年l2月,今天是周日,晴空万里,当大家都在海滩上玩乐的时候,突然空中出现了数不清的黑点,紧接着雨点般的炸弹就落了下来,我想我们完了,我们的海港完了……”该士兵叙述的事件是:     A.来克星顿的枪声     B.敦刻尔克大撤退    C.珍珠港事件            D.中途岛海战
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