
综合性学习。(共7分)   4月23日是“世界读书日”,初二(1)班准备在这天下午3点,在本班教室开展关于读书的主题班会活动。假如你是本次活动的主持人李明,请你按要求完成以下任务。(7分)【小题1】为营造活动氛围,教室里需要张贴一条宣传语。请你从下面句子中找出一副合适的对联,工整地抄写下来。(2分)无益身心事莫为 养心莫若寡心欲 世上几百岁旧家 有关家国书常读天下第一件好事 人求上进多读书 至乐无如读好书 鸟欲高飞Thank you for joining CCTV’s Around The World show. Today, we’re in Australia. It’s a beautiful,  1  day! There are many people here  2  vacation. Some are taking photos.  3  are lying on the beach. Look at this group of people playing beach volleyball. They look cool! I am surprised they can play   4   this heat. This is a very interesting place. The people are really very  5  ! 1. A. sun.       B. sunny.       C. raining.      D. rain. 2. A. of.        B. in.          C. on.          D. at. 3.A. Other.      B. The other.    C. Others.       D. another. 4.A. in.        B. with.        C. on.             D. at. 5. A. relax.      B. relaxing.      C. relaxed.       D. relaxes.
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